#6 – Fly Ball

| November 6, 2010 | 0 Comments

This insect has a fairly tame flight pattern: vertically up 100 feet, then vertically down, generally landing in a leather woven nest. This organism shares a subphylum with the pop fly as well as the much more complicated and confusing infield fly. The fly ball has a speedy enemy known as the center-fielder. While the it does not generally eat the fly ball, the center-fielder will return the fly ball back to it’s original habitat, a dirt mound.

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Category: Humor

About the Author ()

I am the author/illustrator of the hockey webcomic "Off Season". I really discovered my knack for cartooning in an Art Class in Teacher's College. I've been brewing a comic strip in my mind for quite some time, but I've only been posting my work for about a year.

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