#7 Burt Richards

| November 7, 2010 | 0 Comments

Okay, what can I say about this character.  I am doing a fan fic on the late wrestler Owen Hart, but I call him Owen Richards.  His brother, “Burt” is basically like his role model in life, but Burt is really the main part in the story because it revolves around his wrestling career and his bouts with the owner of the WRW. He is very studious and likes to show off to his public.  He is also very active in his career and tries his best to be the best that people will remember.  He ends up fighting in a battle with the owner with some unestablished results.

Category: Drama, Humor, Superhero, Uncategorized

About the Author ()

Artist and accredited slacker, loves to take a challenge and shake a stick at it. Doesn't necessarily have talent but does possess a creative side, now here's hoping she's on the net as much

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