#12 – Roanne Lancer

| November 12, 2010 | 2 Comments

Roanne Lancer is a new character in the world and story of Art Geek Zoo: The Way of Sound.

Roanne Lancer holds the high position of master instructor in three separate creative disciplines: dance, writing, and acting at Polytechnica: the prestigious best-of-the-best college within Zoo College of the Arts. She sees herself as the rightful successor to the schools first multi-disciplined master: Professor Xavian Charlesworth. However, Professor Terrant Razorclaw prevents this just by doing an outstanding job as the master professor of all music at the college.

To cover so many departments effectively, Roanne oversees a team of assistant professors and their student teachers which the entire lot are often referred to by their unofficial name “The Lance Collective”.

Roanne is an aggressively competitive person and able to adapt her mind and body to achieve almost anything. This serves her well when she is heading toward single-minded goals but it becomes a significant hindrance when she needs to do anything with a group of peers or students. When it’s time for the group to decide anything, she thinks the best thing to do is to fight it out. Literally. For her this isn’t a problem because she happens to hold higher than black belt rank in Aikido, Tae Kwon Do, and both pro wrestling and thumb wrestling.

Recently she’s set her sights on mastering The Way of Sound – which she never knew existed until seeing Professor Razorclaw’s students Pick and Crunchy perform an assignment gig at the Soundhouse Saloon.

Anytime she crosses paths with Master of Music Professor Terrant Razorclaw, the sparks fly, challenges are said, and often an exchange of sound and martial arts techniques occurs. These exchanges are typically over in moments and almost never seen by bystanders.

It is interesting to note that she does not really care about taking over the visual arts because there is no one to compete within that space. After Charlesworth left the college the position of master of visual arts became vacant and has remained so ever since.

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Category: Drama, Fantasy, Manga

About the Author ()

Cartoonist (Art Geek Zoo!), Guitarist, Game Developer (Guitar Fretter!), UX Guy, Metalhead, Husband, Proud Daddy, Gamer.

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  1. rrsaga says:

    oddly enough, it looks like the 80s..

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