Day 24 – Star Ranger

| November 29, 2010 | 0 Comments

Champion of the Universe!

Before becoming an intergalactic champion, Star Ranger was a simply a postal worker from Middle America.  While delivering a package to body-building champion, Rex Storm, he was hit by a Tele-beam that transported him across the galaxy and into the ranks of the Stellar Ranger Corps — an galactic peace-keeping org made of the sentient beings in the galaxy.  Joining their mission, whether by fate or folly, the Star Ranger has proven to be  valuable addition to their team.

Category: Scifi, Superhero

About the Author ()

I'm a self-publisher from Columbus, OH(IO). A I'm a hippie at heart and don't own a car. But I do have a Green Lantern ring, a hat and gives hugs for I'm good!

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