#2-Lil’ Dr. F

| November 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

And on the third day, we finished out the little big-head trio! It’s Lil’ Dr. F, the..um, brains of the operation. He seems a little odd, and you have to be careful not to leave him alone with your pets, but on the whole he’s a completely normal, well-adjusted psychopath with delusions of grandeur.

LIKES:  inventing medications, testing hypotheses, defying nature and all that is holy…for science!

DISLIKES: authority, lemonade, whistleblowers








Category: 2011, Horror, Humor

About the Author ()

Illustrator/Designer, American expatriate living in Sydney AU, about yea tall and I like most cheeses. You can find my daily sketchblog at: http://www.nathandrawsdaily.tumblr.com

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