#3 – Monica and Kyra

| November 4, 2011 | 0 Comments

To talk about one is to talk about the other, so naturally, they’re here as a team!

Monica’s known for quite some time that she’s got a pretty bad genetic disorder hanging out in her, waiting to take her out sometime in the middle of what should be a long, healthy life. So, she figures she has a limited time to do whatever the heck she wants to do with herself… doing crazy stunts, mouthing off to whoever she feels like, and jumping up at the opportunity to be bonded with her very own fighting android, Kyra. The program had the machines specifically choose their co-pilots, and Kyra designated Monica as her other half.

Each time Monica takes the wheel of Kyra, a little bit of each mind seeps into the other. They learn from each other, and there’s a high chance that the more time they spend together, they will eventually become completely indistinguishable from one another. Monica’s not sure what to make of this, nor does she really seem to care at the moment. As long as her clock keeps ticking, she’ll do whatever gives her the rush of the moment. She hasn’t told anyone about her medical problem. It’s quite an incredible strain on Kyra, who, while as loud and brash as Monica, is quite more open about her true feelings, and deeply wishes that Monica would be honest with herself just for once.

Kyra’s ideal fighting style is quick and airy. She prefers to use weapons over physical strength. The pieces on her head are very sharp, and can be detached and used as blades.

Monica loves cars and the color yellow, hates the rain, and is almost never seen without her huge goggles. Kyra enjoys reading trashy romance novels, complaining loudly about whether she should re-paint herself for the tenth time, and hates the winter.

Category: 2011, Scifi

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