#5 – Daniel Hwang

| November 5, 2011 | 0 Comments


Daniel Hwang. 25, Korean-Polish-American, Kenna’s brother. Daniel is a kangshinmu – a shaman in the practice of traditional Korean folk magic, Muism. If Kenna had to work for every scrap of power she has, it came naturally to Daniel. He underwent the ordination ceremony at a young age and experienced his first full possession not long after that. He’s always been more deeply spiritual than his sister, but he suffers more from insecurity as well. He doesn’t know himself as well as she does, and he doesn’t trust himself the way he needs to.  He’s less creative than she is, less adaptable, more rigid and calculating, but more sensitive as well. He also has a bitter streak of vanity he struggles to control.

Category: 2011, Fantasy, Superhero

About the Author ()

24. Amazing. Hails from the glistening shores of Salt Lake City, Utah. I like indie comics, webcomics, all things DC and many things Marvel, and I think designing thirty characters will be a great exercise for me! Who's ready to get rolling?

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