#6 G.P

| November 7, 2011 | 7 Comments

G.P (aka Gangsta -P)

“You don’t have to run and confess,

Hes looking for you,

He gon’ find you, he gon’ find you,

So you can run and tell that, run and tell that, run and tell that,

Home boy home home home boy.”

Category: 2011, Drama, Humor, Uncategorized

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Comments (7)

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  1. Listerart says:

    I dig the painterly look to it! Nice style.

  2. Gregory says:

    Intense colors! Great job.

  3. frodog28 says:

    Superbly done. I wanted to do a panda character too, but I think I’ll leave it. I couldn’t beat this. Great style!

  4. saulone says:

    This surpasses awesome on every level. So thug it hurts. πŸ˜€

  5. macb says:

    My Fav one sofar, Fantastic!!!

  6. Batmankm says:

    LOve this guy!! Great character and wonderful painting style.

  7. Jared Lewis says:

    Very nice! I like the idea & the execution

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