Day 18: Sasha Mafigoro

| November 19, 2011 | 0 Comments

Character #18, Sasha Mafigoro. Wow, this one’s up kinda late, I got distracted by Tumblr. @_@

This is Sishiko Mafigoro’s younger sister, who was in training to become a Spirit Fetcher just like him. She has a hot-headed attitude, and a lot of the time she likes to show off and prove herself. She resents her older brother, who’s better at things than her. Sasha dreams of being assigned a proper scythe, but for now her weapon of choice is a wooden training pole. She’s looking to get a steel one. The zipper on her shorts can make the bottom half of that half of the shorts come off, and there are snaps on the back. It seems practically useless, so Sasha is also looking to find a use for that.

She’ll appear from time to time in Venomamillia.

Category: 2011, Manga, Scifi

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