#20 Tex of the Skyfoxes

| November 20, 2011 | 0 Comments

#20 Tex of the Skyfoxes (Sci Fi/Anthropomorphic Cartoon Character) In the far future, Tex is a member of Team #17 of the Skyfoxes, the space ranger division of the IDF (Interplanetary Defense Force). Tex is the rebel personality of her group. She is always wearing nonregulation clothes along with her ranger uniform — cowgirl hat, boots, gloves, and a pair of six-shooter holsters for her blaster sidearmes. Also, nonregulation behavior gets her into as much trouble as her missions for the Skyfoxes. But her value as a ranger comes from those same traits; and so her boss Kit Zenko does her best to stear Tex in the directions she can do the most good.

Tex is part of my “Kitty and the Skyfoxes” series of characters. She is also the last character I’ll be doing here. I also considered doing these characters in an anime style, but the furry fandom style worked out great. Plus the use of color was fun.

20 characters on November 20th — all right!!!!!!

Category: 2011, Scifi

About the Author ()

Hi Gang!! Here I am for my third go around with this art challenge. I have high hopes to finish with at least 30 new characters this year. Last year"s schedule was hectic for me, so I only did 16 drawings. And while that number doesn't count it here; it does mean I already have a dozen characters waiting in the wings, simply because I didn't have the time to draw them out. Onward and upward!!! There seems to be a few new things happening this year: there are a lot of people who started early, and a lot of them are damn good. This latter should encourage all of us to churn out better characters and art as the challenge wears on. Good luck to us all.

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