#14 – Hazib

| November 28, 2011 | 0 Comments

If Hazib had more ambition he might earn the name of ‘scoundrel’, but as it is, he’s just a mildly petty selfish little man. He’d 5′ 4″, loves food and passtimes of all kinds, and considers himself a connoisseur of the ‘finer things’. He is a pawn broker by trade and aside from trying to underpay or over-sell any customer to come through his door, he’s a decent guy. He’ll buy you a drink or direct you through town with the best of intentions. But you better be ready to haggle if you bring a trinket to his door looking for cash.

I imagine him halfway between a Ferengi and Dibbler from Discworld

Leandra sighed, “Really, Hazib, you paid him twenty pennig under what even the purchase-worth of that was…”

Hazib chuckled, as he polished the bracelet against his sleeve it under the enchanted glass in his display case. “Really, my dear, I tell you this every time, if they don’t want to be swindled they would walk through that door with more brains and less hope.”

Leandra just sighed at her employer again.

Category: Uncategorized

About the Author ()

Situated in the misty Northwest of the USA, I draw comics, bake, grow too many plants, and try not to go insane.

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