Day 1: The Chicken You Would Not Eat

| November 2, 2013 | 3 Comments

JFKDay1_13Character Concept by Josie Character Design by Jesse Kiefer

Okay this character was the result of a conversation my good friend had with his daughter… she told me “I’ll let you draw that!” I took it to be a challenge… so I did.


Dad: Josie, if chickens had heads that looked like a worm’s head would you still eat it?

Josie: No way! But I can think of something even worse?

Dad: What’s that?

Josie: What if chickens that had heads that were screaming, bloodthirsty clown heads? Would you still eat them dad?

Dad: Nope, I’d be too busy peeing my pants and I’m guessing petting zoos wouldn’t be very popular.


Dad: Josie

Josie: Yes dad?

Dad: You win.

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Category: 2013, Horror, WTF

About the Author ()

Jesse Kiefer at your service. I am a full time elementary art teacher in Nebraska. I teach grades K-5 for 2 schools. In my free time I'm a martial arts instructor, and I try to update a webcomic at You can find me on twitter @jessekiefer and on Faceboook

Comments (3)

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  1. Dan Jensen says:

    Dear God…

    It probably tastes like cotton candy and little children’s tears. Terrifying.

  2. Eric says:

    Nice. Chickenwise!

  3. jekief01 says:

    Thanks Gentlemen! My Monsters aren’t usually this scary so when she said blood thirsty screaming clown head… I knew I had to rise to the challenge

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