Tag: bath

Hot Bath Tub

| November 13, 2013 | 0 Comments

Day13-Hot Bath Tub-01

#2 – Bubble Guy

| November 2, 2011 | 1 Comment

#2 – Bubble Guy

I created this character to act as a fun guide for toddlers to learn about proper bathing techniques. The Bubble Guy speaks in rhyme and talks through the steps you need to know when washing yourself in the tub.

The goal is to publish a waterproof book, along with a wash cloth to help promote cleanliness in kids. Let’s start a revolution of being able to read in the tub.

Special thanks to Morgan Orr who drew the picture for me.  As I said in my intro, I’m a writer, not an artist.

#8 – The Champ

| November 12, 2010 | 2 Comments

Knocking Out Crime!

The former heavyweight title bearer, The Champ used his celebrity status to make strides for ecological improvements in industrial/chemical production.  On a press-filled visit to a coatings plant, the world witnessed as The Champ “fell” into a chemical bath that left his skin impenatrable and magnified his strength 100 fold!