Tag: Rapper

No. 22- Ben Willis

| November 27, 2011 | 0 Comments

Name: Ben Willis

Age: 22

Ethnicity: African-American

Occupation: Teacher/Aspiring Rapper

Short Background:
Ben never really planned on teaching abroad, much less traveling in general. All he really wanted to do was hang out with his friends, work on mixtapes, and graduate college. However, when life throws him a curve ball, he is given the opportunity to set his life straight. Now he’s miles away from home in a place he doesn’t necessarily want to be, surrounded by people he doesn’t know. Only time will tell if he ends up doing well or burning out.

Character No. 2- Devon Wright

| November 2, 2011 | 0 Comments






Name: Devon Wright

Aliases: D-Wright and then “Divine” Wright

Age: 17

Ethnicity: African-American

Short Background:
Young Devon Wright burst onto the hip-hop scene at the young age of 13. He made a name for himself with clean, radio-friendly songs like “Friend Zone”, “First Date”, and “Summer Vacation”. Despite having three multi-platinum albums, numerous awards, and a massive fan base, Devon is not happy.

He has been labeled a tool of the machine by his peers and many of his idols. Now 17, Devon wants to be taken more seriously and has began crafting more politically minded music like his idols, Public Enemy. However, his label is constantly blocking any attempts at growth. They tell him to make songs like his former hits and threaten to cut his funding if he continues to be a problem.

During this time, Devon’s fame has earned him the chance to perform for the President during a time of controversy. Such a platform could be the perfect place to reveal his new image, but also a good way to lose everything. Trapped between keeping his family comfortable and wanting to have work worth being proud of, Devon must make a choice and live with the consequences.

Concept: What if Justin Bieber turned into Immortal Technique?

With Devon,  there are two distinct styles. I felt he would be something along the lines of a Lil’ Bow Wow or Justin Bieber. Someone radio friendly and ultimately for kids. So he wears a lot of bright colors and old school clothing (track suits, big jewelry, kangol hats, etc.). Things that would make people feel comfortable. If he wears a hat, it is to the side or worn in a comical fashion. He is more a long the lines of the Fresh Prince or something positive. He should look very non-threatening.

Later, he completely does a 180 and begins wearing more military minded clothing. Fatigues, camouflage, and bandannas. Also, the color scheme completely vanishes in favor of dark gray and black pant. The Chuck Taylors get replaced with combat boots. Everything is completely different. Continue Reading