30 Characters Challenger: Crystal M Rollins

| October 26, 2010 | 0 Comments
a photo of Crystal Rollins

what I look like

Hi There everybody!

Unfortunately for you all, I’m as boring as mud. Anything I might have that’s interesting, I try to shove into my comics and my stories. I’m not a professional comic artist, nor a professional writer. I’m not even really a “professional creative”. I work as a printer monkey for a company in the Northwest USA that produces fabric. In the last year, I’ve spent a lot of my freetime once again reviving a comic story about teenagers discovering super-human powers.

I don’t want to specifically classify it as a “super hero” story, nor as a Harry-Potter-esc “magic teenagers” story. It’s more about them growing up and using their newfound abilities, and about trying to understand where those abilities come from, then about fitting into an unknown counter-culture society or saving the day. Because honestly, you’d have to sit around at night for a LONG time to catch one of those rare juicy muggings superheroes seem to live for.

Chapter 2 Cover for Aspect

So what got me into this 30 characters thing? My friend, rival, and creative-partner-in-crime, Emily Gillis. She writes and draws a comic called Jikoshia, and pointed me at this site. I’m hoping it it’s a challenge and a good brainstorm. We shall see.

I’ve also written a novel, and this is the fourth attempt at Aspect (previously given other titles). I’ve been drawing since I could hold a crayon and working on comics off and on in my free time for the last ten years. I have a few short stories, story ideas, etc, in mind that I’ve been thinking of developing, and that’s probably where I’ll draw inspiration from for the characters in the upcoming month.

A short word about the art: I work mainly digital now, but I’ve worked before in markers, pen-and-ink, pencil, chalk, and paint. Aside from comics, I also sew, garden, bake, and make fine jewelry. Did I mention I can cut stones? Lapidary work is a blast. I haven’t won any awards or published on dead tree yet. And I graduated school with a degree in Graphic Design.

A short word about me: I live in the Seattle area with my husband, my roomate/friend Techaune, and our four combined cats.

My Deviantart Gallery
My “Professional” Gallery
Wayward Studios: me and Em’s joint project site

Category: Participants

About the Author ()

Situated in the misty Northwest of the USA, I draw comics, bake, grow too many plants, and try not to go insane.

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