Character No. 4 & 5- Black Rage and White Fury

| November 4, 2011 | 0 Comments

Names: Black Rage/ White Fury

Actual Name: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Ethnicity: Assumed to be African American and Caucasian (respectively).

Short Background:
Little is known about these two men. They appeared in a city one day and after soundly defeating two top tier superheroes with an unknown style of martial arts, they made an announcement, offering their services as protection for any villains who needed it. Despite being quite powerful, it appears that they have no desire for bending the people to their will or taking over the city. They simply enjoy fighting and are looking for a challenge. Who are they? Where did they come from? What is the origin of their “Furious Fist Style”?

No one knows. One thing is for certain, they will be quite a force to be reckoned with.

For these two, I have a hard time drawing what I want them to look like. If anything, they look like urban ninjas. They have the masks and even the two toed tabbi slippers, but they dress in something reminiscent of swat gear.

Black Rage is the smaller and faster one. He does not wear as much padding since it would hinder his movements. His clothing looks more built for speed. Tighter and less wind resistant. His mask covers his entire head.

White Fury on the other hand is a tank. He is strong and does not worry about speed. Because of this, he wears more armor than Black Rage. His mask allows for his hair to grow out.

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Category: Drama, Superhero, Uncategorized

About the Author ()

I have been out of college for two years but have been lucky enough to achieve so much in that time. I am currently hard at work on my first comic project as well as teaching English in Japan. I am a writer and, if I may be completely honest, can draw little more than stick figures. Still, I will put forth my best effort to stick to the 30 in 30 days timeline. I wish everyone else the best of luck.

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