Archive for November 5th, 2012

Dave Puppy

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

Kids in Pajamas #4

#5 Darius Braken.

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

The Darkwood glen is said to be a god-forsaken place to dwell in. Haunted by long since dead spirits and things even worse still. However legend tells of a great and precious crystal that only forms in a cave at the very heart of the glen, a crystal that has many wonderful and magnificent properties.

It is this legend that sees hundreds of adventurers; thieves and mercenaries enter the glen everyday in such of the fabled crystals. Most never return, the few who do are never the same. They return with haunted eyes and tales of creatures born of men and beast that guard the glen from any who trespass.

Darius Braken is one of these ‘creatures’ in trust he is but a man, like all of the Glen Guards, they are the sworn protectors of the crystal cave and their small community that lives in and around it.

The Guard know the glen better than any man or creature to walk the earth and can come from any shadow or corner of the great wood. The glen guard all wear the fur and scales of the beasts that dwell with them in their woodland home. Most forge helms with antlers or horns to add to the fearsome look of their armour. Darius wears the fur of a giant wolf as a cloak, the scales of a tree drake as mailed armour and the antlers of a rock stag a top his helm. He is one of the oldest and most respected guards amongst his village and one of the most feared and talked of ‘creatures’ by the few men who have escaped him.

#5 Immortal Peacock

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

One day, while Peacock was exploring, he happened upon a cave with a small pool of water inside.
He was thirsty and had a drink.
There must have been magic in the water because that was 800 years ago.
And that’s the story of Immortal Peacock.

Jellyfish princess

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

#05 – Hoshimaru

| November 5, 2012 | 2 Comments

Herewith follow the fragmented facts we know for sure surrounding the Sicario class “humane afterlife delivery emissary system (H.A.D.E.S.)” known as Hoshimaru:

•His name means “round star” in Japanese.

•He was created, licensed, and bonded by the Smiling Knives Organization, a transplanetary-scale zaibatsu founded in the 22nd century that uses genetic engineering and organic cybernetics to create Next-Nature Operatives™: soldiers, explorers, assassins,  caretakers, and in this case, a Bespoke Shamanic hit man.

•Genetic material was legally obtained from existing Commons-Registered DNA arks and seed banks. Like regular barn owls, he is capable of silent flight, can turn his head 270 degrees.and possesses the greatest ability to listen for prey of any animal.

•He smells like maple syrup, but not as sweet… more like butterscotch.

•Barn owls have been thought, by various cultures, to be harbingers of imminent death; the souls of the wicked; or witches. They are also thought to have the gift of prophecy.

•In Hoshimaru’s case, the latter is true, though his creators seem unaware of this fact, and he has not chosen to enlighten them.

•His method of dispatching a victim is as follows: He literally draws death into his ancient Greek coin bearing the blessing of Athena and aims it at the victim. Death then devours them, on swift and silent wings.

•He seems incapable of speech. A partial catalogue of the sounds he makes are: hissing, screeching, shrill twittering, froglike croaking, snapping sounds, tongue clicking.

Character #5: Sonia

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments


Featuring a design revamp of Sonia, my daughter – and one of the cast of UNcubed, my auto-bio webcomic.


#4 Dr. Peel

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

No one will ever know how much Dr. Marian Peel contributed to xenomorphology. There’s only so much recognition one can gain while working in a bunker a mile below the Arizona desert.

#5 – Darren

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

Darren doesn’t talk much. Truth be told, he thinks he doesn’t need to either. He’ll answer questions about his t-shirts, though. Darren lives next door to Adrian with his older brother and can often be found hanging out with his guitar and his three cats.

Follow me Tumblr! <3

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

An ear-piercing gone wrong left her with a dimensional porthole warping her already infected ear lobe. Kids, make sure those metal implements you’re sticking into yourselves aren’t of non-terrestrial origin.

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

day 5. Pokemon – ( Im very tired so I haven’t thought of a bio for this pokemon.)

#5 Sepria

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real name: Romana Fabia

Height: 5’6

Welght: 212 lbs.

Race: Soviet/Russian

Location: Parts unknown

This is one of two villains I’m creating for the challenge this year.

Romana was a test subject in a soviet experimental program  in genetics gone wrong. she was supposed to be died but somehow was able to survive and she beings a evil vendetta again society and the world as large.

Powers: Her abilities come from her suit, including flight, dispensing nuclear blasts from her hands, etc.

Personality: Very vindictive, always get her way.


#5 Huntsman

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

Terrifying Neighborhood Hobo

Huntsman was a homeless man who was rounded up and forced into an experiment of augmenting human DNA with that of various animals and insects.  His DNA bonded with that of a Huntsman Spider and was one of the more successful bondings of hte experiment.  When he escaped he put his skills to use to take down those responsible as part of a super group that cannot decide on a team name (He calls them The Hunting Party), he is a fringe member of the team at best but he still does his part in saving the world.


| November 5, 2012 | 2 Comments

Stumpy is a stunted tree that couldn’t grew any taller or fuller. His only friends are the occasional birds that perch on his limp branches and the fungi that have started to populate him.

Day 5-Non Pareil

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

Officer Jim Stevens was chasing some crooks through a local chocolate factory when he stumbled and fell into a vat just as a bolt of strange, red lightning came streaking into the vat. When he made his way out of the vat Stevens discovered his body was now made of chocolate and chunks of sugar. Officer Jim Stevens was gone but Non Pareil was born. Stevens now uses the powers granted by his chocolate form to protect the city he once protected as an officer.

Day 5 – Jack Rupert and Battle Fox

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

Jack was just a normal kid with an overactive imagination until one day where his imaginary battle monster friend, by some unexplained phenomenon, took material form. They now fight crime…

#5 Momo-pi

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

Val G. (nittoai)

#05 – F-Anon

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

And here is the anonymous female of the one-shot I talked about in yesterday’s post.

I’m quite proud and liking this one. I hoped I’d have the time to color or shade it but my schedule is really tight today, sadly. But I know I will in the future~

11/04/2012: Rowlun Aimes, Human Guild Merc

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Rowlun Aimes  SPECIES: Human  ORIGIN: Dominion City

Like all privateers in the Blue Knight Mercenary Company, Rowlun was once discharged from service within the Dominion. Exiled to Nexus City after gunning down an unarmed Separatist, Rowlun has since made his way as a hired gun. Although he has gained weight during his time away from the fierce fitness regimens enforced by Dominion protocol, Rowlun remains an exceptional physical specimen. Not the sharpest tool in the box, Rowlun is nevertheless a considerably competent liar, aided in part by his genuinely affable nature. His stubbornness has gained him a reputation throughout the Mercenaries Guild and within the ranks of his own company. Because of this, the Blue Knights prefer to send him on solo missions whenever possible.

Model designed in TinkerCAD (3D print pending…)

Day 5 – Nucleopriest

| November 5, 2012 | 1 Comment

Real Name – unknown

In the world where the most important problem is how to survive, where old religions are forsaken, the new religion arose. Those who preach it are called Nucleopriests. They teach people the ways of Holy Atom.

4 – The Umbromancer

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

The rain of Blue Fire has ended, at long last, and the sun has once again kissed the surface of Oberonn’s Lands.

But it was a cold and passionless kiss, devoid of life. The gods still walk the earth, more and more like tigers trapped in a cage with each other. And sorcery among mortals is impossible, lighting the invoker on fire or driving them mad… or both. To make things worse, if that were possible, is the fact that the sun no longer has any effect on the undead. There seems to be a powerful tie to the darkest of energies, and even though magic among mortals has vanished, foul rites to make the dead walk still flourish among the depraved… and no soul may pass on to the afterlife, as the gods who hold dominion over such things are all fallen.

The Umbromancer was born out of an echo of a memory from an ancient portal that was forever closed by the return of the sun. His power is the sum of that portal’s ancient energies. He now exists to find the reality of that memory, the thought that gave him life. A vista that consumes his mind… a place called the White Kingdom.


#4 Desert planet beast

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

Might have done more with this but was very tired. Massive lizard type creature that lives on a desert planet. Adopting a genetic idea from a type of frog that carries it’s young on it’s back in similar type bubbles until they are ready to be on their own this lizard does much the same thing. The sharp alternating temps on the planet make it safer for it to carry them at body temp than to bury the eggs. This lizard travels for long distances in search of water and stores it much like a camel would only in it’s legs rather than on it’s back.

#4 Nohra

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

This is Nohra, the best friend and rival of yesterday’s guy, Alin.  They hunt together and have the occasional “who can bring back the most meat for the village” challenge and are basically family.  She’s less serious than Alin, and he’s barely serious.

#5 The Phantom Pompadour

| November 5, 2012 | 2 Comments

The witching hour, a night bird cries in the distance. A chill creeps into air, like the skeletal hand of death itself. You feel a clammy sweat covering your forehead.  Is that faint surf guitar you hear-perhaps the revving of a distant hot rod? The ghostly image of rockabilly hair is seen, floating down the hall…

Day 5 | Fireburn

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

2012 – DAY 05

All characters are created by my 5 year-old son, The Junior Partner.  He has either drawn these characters on his own and I have recreated them here, or he has sat at my elbow dictating design and conceptual ideas like a creative, but frenetic, taskmaster.


Fireburn is the son of a dragon who was supposed to help his father, an evil fire dragon, take over the world, but instead helps protect the earth from his father’s minions.  Fireburn is fireproof, of course, with a touch skin that makes him not only impervious to flame and heat but also other extreme temperatures and physical attacks.  His natural environment is a realm of fire, so his body temperature is so hot that he is constantly steaming and as he gets more frustrated or angry his body temperature increases causing combustion in the air around him if his anger level increases to an uncontrollable level Fireburn believes that if he lets his fire powers take control of him, he will be consumed by his on flames and be reborn as the dragon avatar his father wanted him to become.  His life is a battle against his father and his own inner-demons…literally.

Fireburn carries two rough iron swords that act as a natural ward against other demons as well as conductors of the mystic wards he has palced on himself to keep his powers in check.

Day 4 – Robby

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

Say hello to Robby, a very new character who has already starred with his girlfriend in a recent comic I made!  Robby’s a chill guy who just spends his days hanging out with his girlfriend and/or playing games or getting mad at politics on the internet.  Robby is pretty weak and claims to hate confrontation but for some reason is obsessed with the idea of “being a man” or “having balls” and thus has a tendency to puff himself up and act tough (or just straight up lie about being tough).  This has gotten Robby into a few tight spots, especially since an assailant once described him “like a one-eyed cat, except instead of being adorable you want to PUNCH HIM”.  Robby’s girlfriend Casey (coming tomorrow!) spends her days worrying and trying to keep him from doing anything stupid.  He’s a smart kid, but… yeesh.

#5 – Eliminada

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

Eliminada inhabits the world of CosmiCat.

#5-The Roasted Jalapeno

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

The Roasted Jalapeno