Day 1: Mikhail

| November 1, 2012 | 0 Comments

Mikhail the golem

Mikhail is a golem formed out of mud-based clay. Mikhail was made by a despite rabbi who ran a synagogue in a small village snuck in the middle of thick woods. It is unsure what trouble the rabbi was preparing for when he formed the poor unfinished creature, but the synagogue has long vanished and Mikhail was left to wander the woods with no master. Spending years in the woods and having a body contracted of fertile damp earth, it took little time for Mikhail’s body to began to spout all types of floral bits, fungal patches and random sticks. In his month, under a patch of moss and branches,is a tiny scroll with the words אמת and some other letters.

Mikhail, being golem and very simple minded, does seem to have many goals in his bleak existence. He also lacks most emotions, mostly out of not having the brains for complicated feelings. One can not say it is a gentle creature because one is not sure if he knows what gentle is.

Despite these facts , Mikhail can understand simple orders (if given in hebrew) and well do so to “help” others. Also, though one can not say he actually enjoys it (or is capable of enjoying anything), Mikhail seems attracted to water and finds means to remain wet. Sometimes, in attempt to suck up moisture, Mikhail accidentally takes in small river organisms like crayfish and leeches.

He has even been known to actively collect fragrant plants to grow on himself in order to trade these fresh, slightly magical flowers for flavored/scented water. This deal is often taken advantage of by a local seller….

Category: 2012, Fantasy, Horror

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