Wolfram and Mons Meg

| November 27, 2012 | 0 Comments

Characters 18 and 19!

Wolfram is a werewolf. This shows him in his wolf and his human forms. Split personalities kinda like Battle Cat from Masters of the Universe.

Mons Meg is a giant three-eyed frog with refined tastes. He is capable of being a mobile cannon, firing cannonballs from his mouth. The name comes form a famous and large cannon in Scotland!

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Category: 2012, Fantasy

About the Author ()

John Tompkins, aka Captblitzdawg, is a self-taught artist who has done a variety of commercial art, editorial/political cartoons for Paxton media newspapers, and has self-published his own superhero stories. In 2005 he worked on the indie release SNAFU with Ink Pie Studios. In 2009 he organized The Return of Mini-Con, a library event in Indian Trail, NC pulling in comic and cartoon artists for a free convention experience for kids. He has also run the library's Cartooning Club for a little over five years, teaching kids drawing techniques used by comic publishers and animation studios. In 2013, his superhero the Sword, (along with some of his villains and supporting characters) is expected to become a part of the King Comics universe!

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