Tag: fantasy

#20 Diabla

| November 20, 2011 | 0 Comments

By studying magic since childhood Diabla has  managed to acquire the power to cast flashy destructive spells, mind control,  and pretty much bend the whole of reality to her will.

One of the most dangerous beings in the astral plane, she is to be avoided at all costs. Especially when she is cranky!

Day 20 – Fetch

| November 20, 2011 | 0 Comments


#16 Fugly the Troll

| November 18, 2011 | 0 Comments

Day 18 – The Sentinel

| November 18, 2011 | 0 Comments


2011 Day 18 a Servo from Upper City in my novel “Mentor”

| November 17, 2011 | 1 Comment

2011 Day 18 a Servo from Upper City in my novel "Mentor"
2011 Day 18 a Servo from Upper City in my novel “Mentor”

Servo a small utility hover craft that responds to the voice commands of the person who has activated it. Servos can be made of components and schematics normally available at any replicator outlet if there is also sufficient bio synth available.  Components can be swapped out for other components. Servo components can also be modified through modification of the schematics, creating a new schematic. Only tech class citizens have the proper identification protocols to use a Servo, as without the necessary instruction they could be dangerous.

Servo components include laser modules that can be fine tuned by degree to range between high out put for boring holes in metal, to low out put for use as a pointing device, or a safety beacon. In the case of the safety beacon the component can be detatched from the main body of the Servo an placed where needed. It is not advised to do this however until the piece has been keyed down to low level, wide beam laser.

Another potentially dangerous component in a Servo is the sonic burst. If set too high it has the capability to rupture delicate biological parts as well as sensitive electronic equipment. Although it is rarely considered useful a microwave attachment can also be replicated for this device.

Servos can be created with varying classes of artificial Intelligence, Class A being the highest and most autonomous. Class E will follow instructions to the letter and will never make executive decisions in the circumstance where it’s owner has lost the capacity to do so, though this never occurs under the watchful eye of the MAICS.

Servos utilize standard rechargeable power packs, but have the access to othe components to pwer them. These are 1) a small extendable land line with AG 291b power connector, and 2) any number of solar collection devices (see Document LZ429006: Servo Schematics and Components).

Servos can range in size from six inches (used for comm and memory tasks) to thirty-six inches in diameter(for heavy manual labour, such as remodelling walls and hauling components and other equipment. The largest  Servos require that the operator be a Tech Class C or higher. Apprentices do not have the appropriate protocols and may not engage the use of the larger  (class E or D) servos, for their own safety and the safety of others.

Often, a high level Apprentice Tech will be given a specialised servo upon reaching  a high standard of excellence in the profession. This is usually at the descretion of the Master Tech, and is a source of healthy competition among apprentices. The servo as a prize for excellence is a valuable incentive to maintain highest standards of workmanship and safety.

See the list of Servo Schematics and Components available to the various Tech classes in Document LZ429006: Servo Schematics and Components.


2011 Day 17 Bracha of Lower City from my Novel “Mentor”

| November 17, 2011 | 1 Comment

2011 Day 17 Bracha of Lower City from my Novel "Mentor"

Mentor: A science fantasy adventure, by J S Rowe

Bracha, cook and herbalist for the tribe had been cooking slither since before Tarou’s father was born.

In a small tribe like that of the people of Under City, it helps for everyone to know the rudiments of most of the tasks, and to be able to excel at more than one. Bracha was the head cook and herbalist, but he was also a great hunter, or was so in his prime. He took great pride in his hunting accomplishments, and told and retold storied of his own prowess  with great relish, but his greatest pride was in his cooking. He himself had learned at the chopping slab of R’eshka of the one thumb, who had passed to the gods finally only a few years ago. He missed her. She had been a daunting tutor, but because of that he had never  yet, as he liked to joke, poisoned anyone and had even made things like Slither meat palatable. And the breads he conjured from the flour of local seeds couldn’t be improved upon.

He always had a gaggle of children helping him out and learning the ways of herbs and their uses in cooking and healing, though a number of them were often just in the way and under foot. But he was used to it, and welcomed all comers. Just make sure those inconsiderate hunters  are careful where they drop the carcasses. That was all he asked. This was always said with a smile too. For as much as he loved to teach and to cook he loved to tell funny stories and  share a good belly laugh.

#17 – Roinal

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

Here’s the father of the little family that one of my main characters is a part of! His oldest kid, Mennel, and his youngest kid, Torran, were both featured on the 30 Characters Challenge! Check them out!

Kollan’s got a few articles up over at my blog. He’s the main cast’s “smart guy” and will be doing “smart” things like engineering and knowledge!

Roinal’s the first Ropoldi character I’ve drawn with his mouth open like this. I should note that if you look closely, you can see he has elongated canine teeth. The Ropoldi diet requires high protein. They live in arid plains and while many of the plants are fine for the vast numbers of herd and pack animals that dwell on the plains, they are not as easy for Ropoldi to eat or digest. The Ropoldi are highly carnivorous and they have longer and sharper teeth to facilitate this better.

Day 17 – Chilbilly

| November 17, 2011 | 1 Comment

Chillbilly - one evil snowman!


2011 Day 16 “Ranor A’tai Denala” of Upper City from my Novel, “Mentor”

| November 16, 2011 | 1 Comment

2011 Day 16 “Ranor A’tai Denala” of Upper City from my Novel, “Mentor”
Ranor A’tai Denala, the world’s foremost Synthetic DNA Designer

Money was no object to a family whose ancestors made planetfall here, and they agreed in secret to hire the world’s most foremost Synthetic DNA Designer, Ranor A’tai Denala. He was a most difficult man to work with, slightly mad most people said.  And what would you expect from a man who got top money for creating designer pets and designer people for the dependent, declining society of the Upper City on the planet T’rest.


2011 Day 15 “a’tannattal” of Upper City from my novel “Mentor”

| November 16, 2011 | 1 Comment

2011 Day 15 "a'tannattal" of Upper City from my novel "Mentor"

a’tannattal is the name on the certificate of ownership. the young lady whom he is destined to serve, calls him “Natti” though such informality is frowned upon. He is of the Non Class known as Synth Droids, his designation being U-AM7 z3t48L 426000. That is the alphanumeric code found on all documents pertaining to a’tannattal right back to the original synthetic DNA design sheets.

At the BioSynth Technologies Corporation he is simply known as U-AM7 z3t48L 426000. The M in a’tannattal’s number tells us that he is a mentor droid. The A that he is A-class, or that is he checks out as near as perfect as one could hope for from what is both an art and a science that tinkers with the basics of life itself. And the U? Well that is really important. The U means that the design of his synthetic DNA is unique. One of a kind. Which of course means that the DNA from that design can not be used for another Synth Droid of any type unless the present U-AM7 z3t48L 426000 has been destroyed. The original Synth DNA is kept locked away at the Bio Synth Technologies Corporation labs.

a’tannattal knows this. He made it his business to know, since, well, it is his business to know. He has the sole responsibility in this household for the tutelage of the daughter of the Governor of the Lakes District of T’rest. And a thirsty for knowledge young lady she is. He knows, but what he thinks about it no one has ever asked him, with the exception of his precocious pupil. And to her he gives no answer. They both know it is improper for her to ask him personal questions. And this meets with a’tannattal’s approval, since there are things that he thinks of which he would rather not speak to the humans.

He was brought to her the very hour she was born. He remembered that day as well as if he’d borne her himself. That day he fell deeply in love with the child. He couldn’t help it. It never occured to him to help it. It was the way his DNA was designed, and that was that. He was bonded to the child for life. Both hers and his. And though she often tried his patience to the limit. He loved her now no less and no more than he loved her when he first held her in his arms, smelled the fresh baby smell of her, imbibing the natural pherimones that were uniquely hers, cementing the bond that been designed into every fibre of his existence.

He had been told how he came into existence. The Lady Renala and her sister’s husband, the child’s father,  had wanted  to give the child’s mother, Deira, a perfect birthing gift. An older wiser companion who would be all things a growing child would need: A second mother, a protector, a teacher, a playmate, and more.

Money was no object to a family whose ancestors made planetfall here, and they agreed in secret to hire the world’s most foremost Synthetic DNA Designer, Ranor A’tai Denala. He was a most difficult man to work with, slightly mad most people said. Of course they would never say that to a Synth Droid, but rumours got around.

a’tannattal still marvelled that a full grown synthdroid could be grown in a vat in less than a month, while a human child took over nine months to get to a point where growing outside their mother’s womb would commence. Most of his learning had taken place in the holotubes where he was drilled incessantly about social protocols, natural history, social history, planetary and galactic history, basic mathematics and up and up  beyond quantum mechanics so that he would have everything on tap that his young protege might require.

And yet… How could one being be all that another could require, designed or not? He knew to his great sorrow he had failed her. Some flaw in his design? Or in hers? Perhaps if her mother had not died when she was still a babe. Perhaps there were no real answers to those kinds of questions. Or perhaps, when he found her… perhaps then he would know.

#16 – Mesara

| November 16, 2011 | 0 Comments

For more about some of the characters mentioned above, you can check out the following links!

As always, you can also head over to my comic development blog to read up on the setting and the different characters!



Day 13: Kalsantha

| November 16, 2011 | 1 Comment

#15 Joe The Barbarian

| November 15, 2011 | 1 Comment

Joe The Barbarian comes from the frozen northern wastelands of Taskala. He was born with eye of the tiger on the field of battle and is the proud son of the village chief-tan. Growing up in such a harsh and violent environment forced Joe to mature quickly.

By the age twelve he had already killed over a dozen men earning him the honor and the respect of his people who named him their greatest warrior. Joe led the raids that destroyed the dreaded southern cannibal hordes of Baboso. Soon after, he was overcome with the strong desire to travel. He roamed throughout the vast wastelands as a bandit, highwayman, mercenary, and pirate where he constantly encounters horrifying monsters, evil sorcerers, skanky wenches, and hot princesses. The heroic feats Joe performs throughout his epic adventures are motivated  by survival and personal gain, and sometimes the chicks.

#15 – Torran

| November 15, 2011 | 0 Comments

You can read about Torran’s sister Mennel on her 30 Characters entry. You can also read about Kollan at my blog!

Day 15 –

| November 15, 2011 | 1 Comment



Lathanar, Advisor of Upper City

| November 14, 2011 | 2 Comments

2011 Day 12 --Lathanar, Advisor of Upper City from my novel "Mentor"

Even in a supposed utopia there are those who thirst for power and undeserved recognition, though telling them they were undeserving would fall on deaf ears. Those who suffer from the fatal flaw of believing themselves to be the entitled ones  in a world of serfs, rarely can be told much of anything resembling the truth.

 Lathanar is secretly covetous of the position currently held by the current governor of the Lakes District of Upper City by right of heredity and appointment of the Council of T’rest, which is the governing body for the planet. At least that is what they have believed for centuries.

Lathanar truly believed he could do a better job than the current governor, and that would probably be so if all there was to governing was devising policy and signing papers and accounting for incomes and expenditures. Lathanar is extremely good at those things, which is why he was appointed chief advisor in the first place. But this stroke of good fortune based on his very real and excessively helpful talents has only served to make him bitter, for why give him the whole pie, but not the filling, too? Being so close to the governorship and yet  not being the governor chafed him badly. So badly that he tended to unsconsciously grit his teeth a lot of the time. So much so that he developed the muscles in his jaw into small hard round knots at his jaw line.

He had the austere face of a saint, yet none of a saint’s better qualities. He was good at his job. He knew the rules and he followed them to the letter, made sure everyone knew it, and urged others –to their vast annoyance– to do the same. Nitpicking exactitude has never made one popular. Quite the opposite. But Lathanar believed that people were simply jealous of his high position, and never wondered why they all loved the governor whose position was even higher. They say there are none so blind as those who simply will not see.

“But Your Grace…”, Lathanar leaned forward eager to get his point across, “these papers must be signed today or the council will not be able to ratify the decision until another two weeks have passed. I have it on good authority that…”

“Yes, yes! Good authority,The Governore waved a hand interrupting his advisor. “Still, I have not made up my own mind about it and this case is one that requires cool assessment and a certain levening amount of compassion,” the Governor said.

Er… exuse me, my lord,” squeaked Lathanar, ” Compassion?”

“Lathanar, everyone makes mistakes.” The Governor sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, tired and exasperated.

“But my lord… ”

“Oh, not you of course, Lathanar,” the Governor said. “But most mortals have pressures in their lives that they sometimes cannot cope with that will engender the making of bad decisions.”

He turned from the vast window that let him view the courtyard with it’s beautiful fountain and gazed wearily upon his aide, “Those of us upon whom fortune has smiled could do no better than to consider those upon whom fortune has not smiled.” And without seeing the irony in it he smiled briefly at his advisor and noting that his words had simply glanced off the severe man, shook his head sadly.

#9 – The Buffalo Bear

| November 14, 2011 | 0 Comments

The Buffalo Bear

#12 – Suro Voris Quintar

| November 14, 2011 | 0 Comments

Catala’s aide and lieutenant is now up! As always, if you check out my blog, you can read more about the world this story takes place in. It’ll give you the info on characters like Osoron and others!

Oh, also, I’m not actually behind! I just have a few more things to tweak before I can post my next two. Numbers 13 and 14 are coming in on the same sheet, so look for them tonight! 🙂

Day 12: “Ankor”

| November 14, 2011 | 0 Comments

Day 11: “Spaceater”

| November 13, 2011 | 0 Comments

Tribal Mother/Seer from My Novel “Mentor”

| November 11, 2011 | 1 Comment

2011 Day 11 Tribal Mother/Seer of Under City from my Novel "Mentor"
Sorry, unnamed at this time, but is usually referred to as The Mother, or The Seer.

Metaphysical secrets passed down from one Tribal Mother/Seer to another, each generation adding to the store of lore and insight precious to the tribe. Held in great esteem, and with good reason, the Tribe does all it can to protect and nurture its Seer and her protege. Her legs have all but given out on her due to an attack as a child by one of the many savage beasts that hunt the Under City’s shadows.

The current Seer in Under City has not yet chosen a replacement. Some say because no one is worthy. Others that she desires to have Marnal (see 2011 Day 01 Marnal) as her protege, but Marnal pursues other interests. But The Mother is getting old. Very old and the people are concerned that she may leave them without a properly trained Seer. No one knows the will of a Seer of course until she makes it known, and she does have someone in mind. A least expected someone.

#11: The Red Lion

| November 11, 2011 | 0 Comments

(I’m finished with super heroes. Time to move on to fantasy.)

Hailing from the Garden of Reegus, a beautiful forest known for its scouts and the locals general bellicose attitude, the Red Lion earned his name in combat.  In Reegus, names are shed and replaced as marks of honor or disgrace, and the Red Lion changed his to this after his heroism in the battle of Kithli Forest.

Lions are not native to Reegus, but they do roam Avalia, Reegus’ neighbor and long-time foe. Tau of Overseem  was commended for his strategy of unleashing a group of Avalian lions, under the command of Reegusian priests, on the back flank of the Avalian force. This caused chaos to overtake the Avalian archers, allowing Reegus to surround and rout their foes.

For this strategy, the warrior known as Tau of Overseam was given the name The Red Lion to forever immortalize his actions.

When The Red Lion grew tired of his service, he returned to his home and raising a family while serving as the head of his village’s defensive force. As Reegus’ tensions with their ally Whitesky mount, The Red Lion was personally asked by Reegus’ chief diplomat to Whitesky, Xolani, to accompany him as a bodyguard.

Personality: The Red Lion is, as his name suggests, fearless and ruthless. Age has slowed his reflexes but not his mind, and he is a master strategist with decades of experience backing his attacks. He is a true patriot, willing to kill, torture, or maim anyone in Whitesky if it means the advancement of The Garden’s causes.

Despite his advancing age, he is a hothead when angered. His temper is legendary, and one of Xolani’s main duties is to keep him from challenging the offensive party to single combat.

#11 – General Asom

| November 11, 2011 | 0 Comments

Number 11! The general of Aremshah!

I am not completely satisfied with his design but I like the colors. But I have him out of my head now, so I can refine the design later!



Renala of Upper City from My Novel “Mentor”

| November 10, 2011 | 4 Comments

2011 Day 10 Renala of Upper City from My Novel "Mentor"

Renala loves to dance.

Renala seems like a vague kind of person. The kind that sees all but wishes she didn’t and who emotionally sweeps things under the rug that she doesn’t want to deal with. She is thin and pale, her eyes are a very pale watery blue. She has almost a ghost like quality that makes people uncomfortable around her. She is apologetic to a fault, if that is at all possible, and she tends to move quietly often inadvertently sneaking up on people and startling them.

But she has a passion for literature, history, and the latest fashions (even if they don’t suit her very well). she tries to instill in her dead sister’s child a sense of propriety and the position of her father the Governor, but the girl goes her own way. Renala wants to control everything in her life so that it can’t hurt anyone.She feels safer knowing that MAICS and the Grid are always watching to ensure everyone’s safety.

The only time Renala loses her inhibitions a little is when she dances. She loves music that makes her body move and she loses some of her self-consciousness and her timidity.

She is so far the opposite of her more vivacious and outgoing sister that people often make jokes that they were actually cousins. Only in that context “cousins” can often mean “someone mated with a lesser being –probably a Synth”, and would be accompanied by a snicker.  Renala is not unaware of these snide put-downs of her mother by the petty snobs of society. And sometimes a hint of a more complex Renala surfaces.


#10 – Aurie

| November 10, 2011 | 0 Comments

For more information about her rival, check out Catala’s entry!

I didn’t have time to shade her, sadly! I think she’d look really good if I did. I will fix that soon. Hopefully I can manage with Skyrim coming out tomorrow 😉

Once 30 Characters is over, I plan to draw up (literally) some extensive profiles for each of the five races in my comic. If you’re interested, subscribe to my blog!




Sam Medina – Day 10

| November 10, 2011 | 1 Comment


Day 9: “Weed”

| November 10, 2011 | 0 Comments

#5 Oregos

| November 9, 2011 | 0 Comments

Some little fantastic creatures that have the power to influence souls. This is just a little idea might develop it and draw more of Oregos. The top one here would be a healing orego, and the one under a  killing/suicide orego… can’t think of any names for the moment XD


#9 – Tirashi Konar

| November 9, 2011 | 0 Comments

See more about Catala (one of Tirashi’s rivals) and Revrak (Tirashi’s apprentice) on their entries!



Day 8: “Aken, the Asteroid”

| November 9, 2011 | 0 Comments

Phipp, Tech Apprentice, Upper City from my Novel “Mentor”

| November 8, 2011 | 2 Comments

2011 Day 08 --Phipp, Tech Apprentice Upper City from my novel "Mentor"

Phipp plays a key role in my novel “Mentor”. His technological skills border on the magical, even for the relatively computer dependent and decadent Upper City Citizens. He just has a way with computers and code, and inherited tools and skills passed down through his family for generations.

And a good thing, too. His family was responsible for the health and repair of the MAICS, the Master Artificial Intelligence Computer System, that controlled not only all services inside the bubble that was Upper City, but also the Grid which connected every one to everyone else.

Things have been going seriously wrong with MAICS lately. Anomolies showing up in the code, replicators not creating perfect copies, changes in communications. It was Phipp’s job as apprentice to see troubleshoot any physical problems with MAICS, but somehow these problems seems to be more than just a melted core, or a board crumbling with age. MAICS was getting old, yes. But… Could someone be trying to sabotage it?
When Phipps begins to investigate, he find much much more than he bargained for.