Tags: 30 characters, 30Characters, art, comics, hard and soft taco, Humor, superhero, villain, webcomic
Category: 2012, Humor, Participants
Artist, Writer, Inker, Colorist from Cincnnati, Ohio. Current projects include Hard and Soft Taco (www.hardandsofttaco.com). Peanut, Puddin' n' Jelly (www.peanutpuddinnjelly.com), and Unchained.
Big fan of the chubby super-hero. This guy seems like a great addition to that pantheon.
Thanks for the love Tyler. I’ve got characters of all shapes and sizes coming at you. This is SUCH a great avenue for me to showcase all the goofy new characters coming up in Hard and Soft Taco. Stay tuned, it’s only going to get weirder. 😉