Archive for November 16th, 2012

Ocean #16- Dr. Croc

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments


“Just smile… and look harmless & the glasses makes me look smart” Think Dr. Croc.
He really likes his job as a doctor whenever he has chance to exam a patient & try to help them. But alas! No body really want to look for him especially after the bright smile he gave ’em; And he wonder why. Poor clueless Dr. Croc, he really is quite a brilliant & kind doctor.

#7 Evil Bones

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

this character was inspired by skeletor . This is the arch enemy to HimDude.  HimDude was a  character I created last year in the 30 day character.

#16 – Chenoo DeWolfe

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

Walter DeWolfe seemed like an ordinary man until he murdered his wife and committed suicide by jumping into a frozen river.  However, his body was never found.  In truth, he had become a terrible icy beast known as the Chenoo and continued to kill many before he was finally put down.

#8 Sunshine Montgomery

| November 16, 2012 | 1 Comment

#8 Sunshine Montgomery

You know, they say there’s people out in the landlocked states, dodging tornadoes every other damn day, trying to pretend it’s all business as usual while STILL denying the climate’s going through some changes.

There’s nobody willing to argue in what’s left of the cities along the coast. Things are much different now. Where there was once prime urban real estate, sit flooded streets five stories deep. Where there’s now suddenly a series of intense storm events, a monsoon season lasting Late August to Mid November the locals refer to simply as “The Onslaught.”  And yet still, people try to eke out a living here, living in makeshift pontoon collectives, tied off to whatever rooftops are available to set up co-op gardens. Cottage industries have even sprung up. Like the crews of Reclaimers.

Reclaimers, like Sunshine here, plunge the polluted depths of the sunken streets looking for things they can use to barter. They go by a code that consists of four rules. First, if it’s soaked for this long, it’s yours. Second, if somebody can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that its theirs, it’s theirs. Thirdly, if force is involved in obtaining it, it’s nobody’s. And fourthly, there’s nothing ever worth getting down in the Subway. Some  call them scavengers, others even lump them in with the pirate bands that sprung up. Still, as money continues to lose its value, there are more & more people who decide to take up Reclamation work.

Equipped with her trusty lifehammer (originally designed to break the window of a car that ended up in the water), Sunshine was a just a barista at a free trade coffee joint before the oceans rose, as well as a part time Freegan (much to the chagrin of everyone else). And while she might be a bit more stern than that bubbly young girl, fresh in from Smalltown USA, she prides herself on having stuck it out. All of it. The storms, the waves. At the end of the day, few can say that.

While considered a veteran Reclaimer, she’s still technically considered small time. She has yet to find that one big score. Something so valuable she can trade to get whatever her heart desires & retire off of. While, they may tease, she’s awfully persistent, even taking up contract work (searching for specific items people say they left behind). Recently, there’s been talk of a man looking to contract someone to dive Lorimer St Station. And he’s offering whatever , on account of you know, it being the subway & all. Sunshine’s typically not one to ever even really think about breaking the code, but maybe, just maybe this could be the exception.


Started writing this & then had to run to work. I tried to do it more in the style of a POV but I think the voice started to sort of wane there more at the end. The idea’s partially coming from some of the events resulting from Sandy/Frankenstorm, sure. But it mostly comes from me getting sick & tired of just about every post apocalypse feeling the same. If things aren’t taking place in a sun baked wasteland, they’re in a dreary woods. Well what about the coastline? Combine that with me liking the idea of people still try to live amongst the ruins of a sunken city. The only thing I can think of ever really trying to explore that was the anime Blue Sub 6, & even then it was for like ten minutes in the very beginning of it. Evangelion sorta kinda not really.

I’m hoping to have a solid day of drawing ahead of me tomorrow. One very close to finished & a few others in the works. Problem seems to be every time I think I’m going to get time, something comes up. So we’ll see.

Blarg 2/30

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

Pretty much the gnarliest thing I could think of. This was actually for a creature contest my friend was running earlier this month, but whatever. Still came up with it in November 2012.

Day 16-Splashdown

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

Marine biologist Jeff Markson felt he could being doing more to protect the oceans and the creatures that live within them that he loved. After all both cover more of the planet than the land or the animals that live there. With this in mind Jeff created a formula that permanently allowed him to live on both the land and in the ocean. Taking the name Splashdown he has become the protector of the oceans and will do most anything to protect them from those who would do them harm.

#16- Tix

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments


The Weekend Warrior 1/30

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

The Weekend Warrior 1/30

My first entry! Sketched this quickly before moving from Boston to Seattle (resulting in a delay in my posting and having time to attend to this project), based solely on the phrase “Weekend Warrior.” There is a small biography on the side for those who can read my handwriting. I probably won’t be going so in depth as to come up with backgrounds for the other 29 characters.


| November 16, 2012 | 1 Comment

days 14-15 and 16 more project work this time full colors

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

#16 The Little Green Men

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

The Little Green Men

#15 and #16 – Alice and Minotaur

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

A high school dropout and perennial bully, Alice works as security for the illegal hack shop known as Stygia. Basically, it’s up to her to remove anyone that the owner doesn’t want in the shop — not always an easy task, given the nature of Stygia’s customers. Alice is an unsubtle, pushy lout, and she gets along with Morry, who tends the counter, like a couple of cats in a sack. At best, the two act like argumentative siblings.

Alice’s partner, Minotaur, is a perfect fit for her. A creature of sheer physical force, Minotaur’s main strategy in combat is to simply pick the enemy up and throw them as far as possible. In a pinch, it can use its heavy cubic shape as a full-body hammer attack, but for the most part, Alice doesn’t ask for anything but sheer bulldozer force.

For these two, the RNG threw out Modern Art, Cube, Four Legs, Horns, Animal Ears, and Facial Hair. And now that I think of it, I should’ve given the critter a goat beard! Gah, totally slipped my mind. Oh well.

Day 16: Mocha

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

Mocha is the polka-dot enthusiast that lives nearby Wowster’s old mansion. Shy and not much of a talker, she barely ever leaves the house. This is because Mocha has a phobia of opening things. She can not open doors and she has a closet (that remains open) filled with old gifts she couldn’t bear to tear. She enjoys polka dots because they remind her of pre-made holes, the only way she can get anything done in her life. For the same reason, Her favorite cheese is Swiss.

She finds Wowster quite dashing and tries her best to visit for tea when she can hire someone to open her front door.

In one of his stories, Wowster prepares a special pair of trousers to help solve Mocha’s fear.

((Once again I tried to make a more storybook feel here. This turned out better than yesterday. I need to redraw Wowster.))

#16 – Gualichu

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

This is Gualichu, a tiefling warlock played by my buddy Jarrod in a one-shot we ran almost 2 years ago to get a bunch of my buddies acquainted with D&D.

He’s since been retired and is now an NPC in our current campaign. Much like a lot of notable NPC’s, he’s a callback to our old characters and his demeanor is drawn from how he was portrayed back then.

In our campaign tieflings, a person with demonic/fiendish lineage, look more like the 3rd ed. versions (a person with devil horns, maybe sharp teeth, a tail, hooves) instead of the straight up big horn devil guy from Legend looking demon people of 4th ed. They’re pretty rare as well, which is why I gave him a kimono/eastern motif to his outfit/hair. As it would be rare to see a feudal samurai in medieval england, it’s rare to see a tiefling running around in Amerath.

He’s essentially the ‘wizard’ of the npc gang who fought alongside the party in their early adventures.

Fun fact: Gualichu is permanently scowling because back in his level 1 days, he was forced to kill a fellow adventurer with a point blank Eldritch Blast to the face. (whattup nando)

#15 Egyptian Goddess

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

She wants you to know it’s not all grapes and gold when you’re a goddess, sometimes her arms hurt from showing off her wings.

#12 Flame Fatale

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

Burn Baby Burn


Stumbling upon a long lost ancient temple in the middle east while fleeing a band of terrorists intent on stoning her to death, this rebellious woman found a  mystic eternal flame burning on an altar.  Drawn to it she reach out and the flame reached to her, enveloped her, and merged with her.  She now wields this mystic fire.  For a time she seemed to be a hero, fighting against the terrorists oppressing her people and demeaning her fellow women.  But slowly she have been corrupted by the arcane spirit of the flame, and now seeks to restore dark gods to our plane of reality.

# 16 Energy Girls

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

They never shut up.

#16 Eldest Dragon

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

#11 Flying Fox

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

She’ll steal your heart, or at least your wallet…

A classy professional jewel thief.  She used to date P.D.Q., but left him because he is a jerk.  She has no actually powers, but she does have a gliding/flying suit and numerous skills including climbing, breaking and entering, etc.

#16 Yellow Electric Human

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

I’m Yellow Electric Human. My idol is Tesla. If Tesla were around now, he’d marvel at the idea of, and at the exquisiteness of, a so called  “electric human” whose  own originating source of power came from within. My body can generate enough electricity to provide power to one residential structure, as determined by testing my generative abilities in my parents garage. People are afraid of me though. They say they don’t know what to do with someone like me. I say, let me make my inventions and save the world.

Casting Spells

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

Be careful what you wish for, you might just get more than you want.

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

Hold onto to your hat the creatures are coming to town.

Performing Now

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

Your attention to the highwire for our latest act.

#15 – Se’ve’r Lean

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

Se’ve’r Lean is a singer who moonlights as a secret agent.  She is very good at what she does but she doesn’t get the respect she deserves. Sometimes she wishes she could be someone else.

Note: The name is a spoof of Se’ve’rine, the Femme Fatale in the latest bond movie, Skyfall


| November 16, 2012 | 2 Comments

#10 Gene Genie

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

Careful, she’ll give you cancer…

A teen runaway turned pickpocket who had been abducted by a band of science terrorists and subjected to bizarre experimentation involving mutagen, reverse engineered alien technology, and non-Terran retroviruses.  The experiment failed (or succeeded?) when she became endowed with mutagen powers, able to temporarily realign a targets DNA.  This can result from a minor effect like extreme pain to major effects like developing superpowers and/or cancer.  Her effects seem to be temporary, but it is possible that prolonged exposure could lead to more permanent damage/empowerment.  Escaping her captors she has fallen under the sway of a certain untrustworthy politician…

11/16/2012: Solver, Android Companion

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Solver (Unit H-42B)  SPECIES: Model-7 Android  ORIGIN: Innovation (Circle-Tech HQ)

One of a secretly produced run of sapient robots built from schematics stolen from the late Dr. Harlan Smythe, Unit H42-B was gifted to Jules Calixa, heiress to the Calixa fortune and major Circle-Tech shareholder. Though designed as a companion unit, Jules found many uses for the android, nicknaming him “Solver” as his penchant for rapid-learning resulted in the acquisition of many useful skills, including the operation and repair of Jules’ Brane-Ship, the Castellan. As his mistress’ affections for him grew stronger, so to did Solver’s bond and desire to protect her. Against Circle-Tech’s advice, Jules had many of Solver’s control sub-systems removed, leaving only the protocol that binds him to her service, adding a caveat that the program will deactivate in the event of her death, leaving Solver free to walk his own path.

Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD, printed on my Makerbot Replicator and painted with water based acrylics.

#16 Jackie Diels

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

Jackie managed to get in a lot of trouble with the police as a teenager, as she was trying to distance herself from the rising popularity of her outgoing twin brother Jack. Being around the police headquarters so much, she found herself fascinated with the inner workings of the police and eventually straightened up her act enough that they let her join. She rose through the ranks quickly and is now the formidable Captain of the police. She’s tough and cynical, but does occasionally give into a latent romantic streak. She tends to wear her heart on her sleeve no matter how hard she tries to hide her emotions. Her officers know when she’s all bark and when she’s about to bite, which is about the time they all make themselves scarce.


| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

I only have 6 characters uploaded so far!
Maybe this weekend… waters closing over head… all going dark…

Character #11: Snout Rocket

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

Snout Rocket!

#10 Pucho Bauni

| November 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

#10 Pucho Bauni