Archive for November 9th, 2012

Ocean#09-Power bunny

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

Power bunny

“Power to me!”

#7 Kid Scientist

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

#4 Hilda Cooke

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

A disillusioned doom-sayer, Hilda used to stand in the street yelling about oncoming armageddons, but eventually grew tired of people failing to heed her warnings. Now she just goes about her own business and leaves everyone else to themselves, save the occasional odd statement to passers-by. (“That’s right, take the next flight, see how that works out for you.” “Oh you’re here, well that’s my cue to leave, have fun with the zombies.”)

#9 – Alien Captain

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

The alien Captain maintains a tight control of her ship.  She is on a mission to retrieve a device that was stolen from a secret research station.  She is smart enough to know that she needs to be careful to not draw undue attention to her mission or to draw unwanted attention to the device.  The plan is to go in stealth mode and try to grab key suspects without being seen.

#7 Lady Warrior

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

#9 Raefel the Bug

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

Art does reflect the feeling I suppose. Today was supposed to be good too! Until a trigger just shot me! D: Curse you BUG!

Day 09: Deedle

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments


| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

Day 9: Catch-All-Koalas

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

Catch-All-Koalas (Quetzalcoatl): the flying serpent god and chaser of poor terrified marsupials.

Day 9: Snitch

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

The ranger

“Listen. Mother Nature is loving, spiritual, free force. Her ways of mystery can not be controlled or hindered. If someone tries to do so, I am obligated by law to shoot them in the face. With that noted, Sir, I suggest you get back into the fuckin’ car.”- Snitch

Snitch is the local forest ranger and Fig’s BFF. He is a huggable, lovable kind of guy once you get to know him. Some may think he is a bit…mouthy but that is only because they catch him in a bad mood. He has a very, VERY low tolerance for stupid and, in an occupation wherein he deals with a lot of tourist and red neck hunters, he is often faced with stupid. Though he tends to be sharp tongued, he is a boy scout at heart and does his best to help others. Though his responsible manner can be quite the contrast to the fickleness of Fig, Snitch is close friends with the faun. In fact, if they are not busy “passing the peace pipe”, the two are getting into some other kind of trouble.

When Snitch is not tending to his ranger duties or making bad decisions with Fig, he is a big heavy metal fan and partakes in the Goth scene. He is also a bit of a chubby chaser, preferring his men to be a bit on the chunky side. His current endeavor is trying to swoon his oblivious roommate Tracks. He get along well with Audrey and feels a bit bad about the tension between them.

((Snitch has been drawn before. I feel like this is a bit of cheating, but this is the first time I have drawn him in uniform, gave him a background, connected him to the other characters, etc.))

#9 Sticks

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

Enjoys long walks through the Serengeti and trumpeting his horn.

Days 5-6-7

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

This is inspired by election day.   This in general, and not attached to anything specific, so no political discussion, please….

This is Airhead, Blockhead and Hothead.

“#[Bigodon]” Day 09

| November 9, 2012 | 1 Comment

#09 – Ekthuul The Raiser

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

Ekthuul is a female Achodut — her cool green skin and beautiful dorsal spines are a dead giveaway, very distinct from the giant sailfins and blue skin of the males. The name ‘Ekthuul’ most closely corresponds with a symbol set humans would call alchemical, complemented with a set of the heavier elements from our Periodic Table. She holds the most honored title of ‘Raiser’ because she is the best at raising energy levels – not only of individuals, but increasing the capacity of devices, and vehicles. She is ‘The’ Raiser, the one who discovered the gateway to the Transit System, including the line which, by all indications, leads to a source of unlimited energy, enough to raise all the Achodut to what we would call godhood, but what they refer to as the ‘Steady State’. Ekthuul is currently exploring the Transit System armed with the finest Harmonic Detractor, a weapon which draws upon the bearer’s willpower to siphon off underlying energy patterns from other creatures.

A point of etiquette: don’t call her cold-blooded. In fact, she believes human notions of ‘warm’ and ‘cold’ blood to be metaphor at best, and backwards ignorance leading to lowered energy levels at worst. It is, as they say, “un-raised”.

#9 Maggie Ravenlock

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

Name: Maggie Ravenlock

Place of origin: Boston, Massachusetts

Occupation: Magic store owner

Legal status: Citizen of good standing of the USA

Identity: Publically known

Marital status: Married

Known relatives: None

Group affiliation: Snake and Owl Magic School

Base of operations: Forethoughts and Black Locks (a magic store in Salem, Massachusetts)

History: Daughter of a lawyer and a teacher, Maggie loved magic from a very young age. Continue Reading

#9 – Nari-lana

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

This is Nari-lana, a genasi (planetouched? more on that later) swordmage played by my buddy Jeena.

Nari is the first genasi that I’ve had in one of my campaigns. And trying to simulate how people would react to a person with elemental blood in their ancestry is kinda different. Well maybe it isn’t considering we’ve got like half-dragon people and crazy dwarves running around too so..

Now that I think about it I did have a genasi in another game, but it was just a one-shot adventure. A firesoul genasi too. They’re basically Flame Princess from Adventure Time swaggin’.

Day 08: Dangalf Copperfelt

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

Day 07: Snidely Shambles

| November 9, 2012 | 2 Comments

Day 9: Little Louis

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

#9 Shy guy

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

Shy? Timid? Unsure?

#9 Coquemancer

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

Elena the Coquemancer creates her magics through cooking. When you hear she has a bewitching dessert to serve you, she’s not kidding!

DAY 11: 21st Century Sandshark Studios presents: SHADOW MAGE

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments





Character Biography-Gindrell Thorne is the 112th Necromancer, tracing her family back to the 6th Century BC.  Her family have been the keepers of The Thorne Grimmuar, a mystical encyclopedia of sorts.  As such she is considered one of the most powerful magic folk in the known universe.  She was born in 2572 to Marcale and Judial Thorne, was trained in the magical arts, before taking the mantle from her mother in 2597.  (Her parents are from Brelle IV and are New Reformed Pagans, in her religion the man takes the female name upon marriage.)  In 2602 she received a vision to meet up with a group of various persons to deal with the forces of Kraul on Golundan IV.  She defeated Kraul and eventually became a member of the pre-eminent costumed adventurers of the early 27th century known as THE GOLUNDAN CORP.

DAY 10: 21st Century Sandshark Studios Presents- THE MAKEBELIEVER

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments





Character Biography:  Little is known about the Make Believer.  He is an enigmatic member of the supernatural realm.  He is said to possess an enchanted book of the world’s tales that he collected over the course of millennia.  That he can bring the monsters, mages, creatures, and all manner of characters from within the book to do his bidding.  His motives though secretive, are usually for ill.  Some speculate that it is for control or power, others believe it is of some form of mischief.  In any case, most but the most powerful of the mystical community avoid him at all costs!


#9 Child Illustration

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments











For the next several posts I’m diverting my attention from story characters to characters that I developed for a recent illustration project. I’ve chosen no names since that wasn’t the nature of the project.

DAY 9: 21st Century Sandshark Studios Presents: THE SHADELING

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments





Character Biography- Randall Kiplard was born in Leavenworth Kansas in February 1924.  His parents were simple farmers who survived the dustbowl and Great Depression.  Of their 6 children 2 died during the depression of dust lung.  Three more died in Europe or The Pacific in World War II.  By the time Randall returned from his tour of duty in the Atlantic Theatre, his parents were both ill from various ailments. By 1947 Randall had become the sole survivor of his family.  He was forced to sell most of his family farm, but kept the house and a small plot for himself.  Randall enrolled himself at college and got a job to help make ends meet, but in time he put himself through medical school and became a general practitioner.  For the next several years he became the town doctor, and had a prosperous practice.  Then in 1962 Randall was approached by the Army to be part of their experiment.  He was determined by undisclosed clandestine obtaining of DNA sample that he had the genetic markers to undergo a process that would attempt to re-create PROJECT OLYMPUS that gave the world Mister Amazing, Miracle, and Kat Carson a generation earlier.

Kiplard after some persuading agreed to submit himself along with several others of similar genetic marker, to the process.  The end result was a group of government controlled supers known as THE DIVISION.  The group was introduced to the public in 1963 and over the next dozen years were used to combat several US threats across the globe.  Kiplard was dubbed THE SHADELING due to his power to manipulate shadows into a semi-solid state and even use it as a form of teleportation.  However, his teammates and others noticed that Kiplard exhibited certain behavioral changes when exposed to prolonged exposure to THE SHADOW DIMENSION.

Things came to an end sadly to The Division in 1975, as they along with dozens of other heroes and villains came to fight a cosmic invader known as GHOR THE AHNILALATOR.  They were able to overcome him and his army.  But at a loss of over 20,000 civilians, 7000 Allied soldiers and most of the meta and super hero community.  All but two of the Division lost their lives.  Strangely though Kiplard’s body was never recovered.

Day 9: Dr.Plastelinious

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

Yup. Let me introduce you to the mad scientist slash doctor (pun intended) of Lego City. Doctor Plastelinious has a thing for…plasteline. And after devoting his entire life to it, he has managed to bring it to life! Thus the symbiotic and freewiller Knightmare that escaped from Plastelinious’ army in order to be on his own. But he needed a host, so he found Pat Raponick.

The army of Doctor Plastelinious hunts him down ever since…

#9 Red Solar Serpent

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

I was on a mission inside of a destroyed and  burning underground base whose  main entrance had become inaccessible. As I ran for cover, much to my surprise, an earlier explosion had created a second entrance to a lost cavern where I found these two, Red Solar Serpents. More like, they found me. Once dwelling on the outside in the hot desert sun, they belonged to an old sisterhood of serpentoids… of varying degree. Some of them have wings and some of them do not. I didn’t feel as though I was in the presence of predators, but that I was in the presence of gods that wanted to show me the way back to the surface, however not before meeting the rest of them…

Post#8 — Nix

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

Post#8 — Nix: is a superheroine in the “creature of the night” mode simular to DC’s Huntress and Bat Girl. I haven’t developed her beyond that basic ideal, but maybe Ill add to her character (meaning she will be apart of another series of characters, and I’ll have more fuel for next year’s challenge…maybe). Enjoy.

DAY 3: La Fantasma de los Perros

| November 9, 2012 | 1 Comment

In 1976 the government of Isabél Perón was overthrown through a military coup, and General Rafael Videla established a military junta. Thus began a particularly dark period in Argentina’s so called “Dirty War”. The new far-right regime instigated a period of overall chaos wherein thousands of suspected “subversives” and left-wing sympathizers were kidnapped, tortured, or assassinated at the hands of the government’s “security forces” and roving right-wing death squads in a self-termed “National Reorganization Process”. Young or newborn children were commonly taken away from their mothers in various state-sponsored concentration camps and redistributed to couples affiliated with the regime in order to mitigate the proliferation of subversive ideas. While many of those captured were in fact members of militant left-wing rebel militias, the “Dirty War” was just as much a witch hunt wherein thousands of victims were indeed innocent.
While many of the mysteries surrounding the so called “Desaparecidos” (The Disappeared or Vanished) were revealed upon the instatement of a democratic government in 1983, little is known, or discussed for that matter, about the true nature of “Nuestra Fantasma de los Perros”. While accounts from eyewitnesses are sparse, the legend was very prevalent in the low income (and often socialist sympathizing) barrios of Buenos Aires, Rosario, Corrientes and Córdoba. Descriptions of a petite woman of native descent, wearing a worn, dark stained gray cloak, and a pristine white, flower-pattern dress underneath were prevalent amongst the many rumors circulating in the populace. She was always accompanied by at least 4 stray dogs—though the number was said to grow with every kidnapping that occurred. It was rumored that her canine followers obeyed her through a dark aura which seemed to emanate from her hands. Several Death squad soldiers would admit years later that during a run in with “La Perra” (lit. “Bitch”) the eyes of her dogs would cloud with what appeared to be smoking tar immediately prior to an attack. The gruesome visages of the would-be abductors and assassins resulted in a great drop in recruitment for the death squads, and had a profound protective effect on those neighborhoods where the woman had shown up. While superstitious citizens offered scraps of meat and bread on their doorsteps at night as a plea to the woman and her companions for protection, the president himself issued several city wide dog-hunts in an effort to curtail the threat of this “Perónist vigilante”. The hunts were called off very quickly due to a mysterious absence of all dogs during the hunts. The loss of a dozen more men to unknown causes also frightened many of the hunters from ever searching in the first place.
Since the woman never spoke or appeared for more than minutes at a time, her origins remain unknown. Some believe she is the restless spirit of a Mapuche shaman seeking revenge on the ancestors of European settlers. Many of the largely Catholic populace viewed her as a wrathful incarnation of the Virgin Mary and a herald of the end-times. The last recorded account of “La Fantasma” came from Cristina Silviatore, the wife of Marcos Silviatore, a prominent lieutenant in the Argentine Anti-Communist Alliance, who reported a cacophony of barking outside of her home. Stepping out to inspect the commotion she caught a glimpse of a cloaked figure staring mournfully into her daughter’s bedroom window. The figure vanished quickly having noticed Cristina, and the dogs subsequently fell silent. After failing to conceive on their own, Marcos had brought the child home one evening in 1976, claiming to have just finalized the adoption papers at a nearby orphanage. As hard as she would try to convince herself that what she had seen was just a trick of the mind, she was never able to look at “daughter” the same way again.

Post#7 — Joey Busheroo

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

Post#7 — Joey Busheroo: years ago I created a mascot for a company I used to work for. It was never used by the company (they didn’t even know about it), but I worked up an iron-on t-shirt design from it. Mind you, the shirt looked like it was designed for a 10 year old; but at least it was my t-shirt design and not a store bought variety. Goo’day, Mate!

Day 9. Inkka

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments



Inkka, the sea urchin creature!