1 – Damasa
I HAVE NO INTRO POST I GUESS But whatever, this one could be it. I’m Débora. The internet calls me Shin, or Shinjiro, or stuff. I am here (I will be getting a art-only tumblr, and with these characters). And here.
This is actually a character I had in mind awhile ago? Don’t know how much cheating this is BUT THIS IS DAMASA OK.
She’s like… the first member of a lineage of other characters I have to have this amazing gravity shifting powers long story, thanks to her enormous curiosity.
She hides her powers from her tribe and goes to the point of playing God in disguise (that disguise above) to scare off enemies, and after awhile the disguise is used more than her own self, and said self eventually ‘disappears’. Until stuff happen, she gets a hot dude and has a baby, and her powers seem to disappear (when they are actually passed on to the newborn)
WHY AM I TELLING ALL HER STORY? Because I am not planning on using her. She is, again, part of another group of characters who are to me more important. But I needed to get her out of my system.
ANYWAY COMMUNITY CRITIQUES ARE WELCOME IN BOTH THE DESIGN, THE DESCRIPTION AND MY ENGLISH BECAUSE I AM PORTUGUESE AND my next posts will be me exploring other body types and materials (mainly watercolours and pastel oils). But does anyone have inking tutorials to share? I love to draw with no lines but I just /love lines too much.
Category: 2011
The details in the tattoos is what draws me in particularly. The mask is also great: simple, but not overly so. Cool character.
Thanks~ Noticed a few errors, but I’ll fix them in the end.