Archive for November 6th, 2011

#4 – Saneh

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

Originally Phileo, the spirit of love, he fell from grace after becoming a victim of his own spiritual nature. The loss of a human under his protection whom he had loved caused him to become consumed with hatred and fury for the fallen spirit who caused her death. A spirit of love can’t live with hate in his heart, however, thus Phileo fell into darkness, his nature corrupted. He became Saneh, the spirit of hatred, and lives now in a constant state of unrest, despising what he has become as well as all of the other fallen spirits around him.

Saneh exists in a universe with numerous other angels and fallen angels I’ve created over the years. I probably won’t ever tell their story, but I enjoy drawing them and adding new characters from time to time.

#6 Space Carrie

| November 6, 2011 | 1 Comment

The time is the far off future, in the year 2002. Outer space is full of criminals, bandits, and outlaws. Only one bounty hunter can bring them to justice. And that is Space Carrie!

#6 – Lawrence

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments


Lawrence is a detective whose martial arts skills have greatly helped him in his fight against crime.  When he isn’t fighting crime, his breaks are spent hanging out with his best friends.

Day 6: The Soulbroker

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments



Bagmorgan as he is known, is a THIRD PARTY BROKER in the war of souls between heaven and hell.  He was once worked in AQUISITIONS for the devil, but found a loophole to escape his own contract and become freelance on his own.  Now he finds the choicest most promising individuals, leases them very lucrative contracts in exchange for their eternal spirits, then upsells them to Heaven, Hell or even other interested parties, such as demons, warlocks, and other supernatural folk!  He does this with the help of his COLLECTION DIVISION known as Lucius, Bruno, and Salvatore: THE BROTHER’S VALENTINE, as well as his chipper but elusive personal assistant known as ALICE…He has few friends and many enemies on both sides…But is best known as THE SOULBROKER!


| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

#6 –

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

ONCE AGAIN NO NAME because it’s my bedtime and I’m in a huge rush!!!

This chick is going to be in a space story I’m thinking of!  She works with computers and spacecraft all the time, and she likes being a cutie while doing so yeah!!!


| November 6, 2011 | 2 Comments

No freaking idea. Just one of the multitude of creatures that is bouncing around in my head. 😀 Certainly could find a home in the Zgirl and the 4 Tigers universe.


#1: Mimi Necco

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

When I first heard about this challenge last November, it was too late in the month for me to actually join, but I thought it was a fun exercise and did a couple on my own. Two character designs that came out of it were Captain Neckbeard and The Skunge, the most fearsome pirates you’d find in any basement.

I almost wanted to revamp their designs for the official challenge, but I felt like that’d be cheating, so I decided to add another member to their nerdy crew. She’s probably a navigator of sorts, definitely convinced she’s a cute little kitty cat in the body of a grown woman.

#5 CR-11

| November 6, 2011 | 1 Comment

CR-11 is one in a series of sophisticated robot observers that record and inventory the history of the universe. Created a millennium ago by a race of space faring beings that no longer exist the CR’s dutifully record the history of the universe like robotic librarians. What happened to the technologically advanced race that created the CR’s is unknown. It is the only history of the universe that the CR’s do not have recorded or preserved, keeping their creators a mystery.

#6 Illiad

| November 6, 2011 | 1 Comment

AKA Sassy Blind Lady

Sweetheart with a whip for a tongue. u w u

#6 The Flying Pig!!

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

# 5 Binko the Clown

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

#5 Romulus “Bones” Ickenboker Santiago Fortuna III

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments


Freakishly tall, freakishly undead.

#5 Dualiet

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

This is Dualiet, another monster for my comic. Dualiet is unique in that there is only one of its kind. It is also male nor female, it simply just is. Dualiet is composed of two bodies and one brain. Their bodies form and mold through and around each other like clay, passing on the brain from one body to another and back again. So technically, it is only one being.

I’m guessing Dualiet will be important at some point in my comic, but I’m not exactly sure what yet. Also I’m falling behind aaaaah!

Number Six – Annalysa

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

Here we have another rushed  character because I cant really draw on the weekends…;;

Well, she is basically a Harvest Moon Bachelorette that I conjured up from playing HM too much. lol

I dont know what else to say about her :I

#6 – Lyla

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

(phew running out of steam…)

This is Lyla, wife of Lothario and head waitress at his pasta stand. She is a humanized cat that was once part of someone else’s dreams and decided to live in the dreamsphere. She has a very low tolerance for those who misbehave or those who don’t pay their bill. Loth and Lyla are constantly bickering, and usually Lothario loses horribly and then spends the rest of the week trying to make it up to Lyla.

She doesn’t act like a cat most of the time but she does hiss when angry and she has an unnatural obsession with seafood.


#6: Cell Phone Man

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments


If you are thinking… “Why Cell Phone Man?”  I’ll admit, I’m thinking the same thing.


Day 06 – Zanala Paxx

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

Zanala Paxx  is a young scientist from the Earth Colony.  She is only 24 and already one of the leading scientist in her field.

6 Angélico

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

He didn’t have much experience as dealing with the weird, viscous and neon coloured small creatures that seemed to like to possess people nowadays – he was only 16 after all, and it’s not like there were many before the whole… infestation that came. And time freezing. And stuff.

He managed not to get bitten ever however, which is great compared to many. And I mean /many/. One would say he was just lucky, given that his first impression is of a somewhat boring and lazy young man. As one interacts more with this boy and one can see that it’s quite the opposite. One also notices how charming and well-spoken he can be. In the end of the day, it’s hard to resist him. Unless the times he becomes annoying with too many personal questions to your person.

Sucks with guns, but is learning. Prefers to use his motorcycle to do any dirty job, no matter how awkward it can be at times, given how small the creatures are.

The star is a gang thing he failed to convince people to get into, but does anyway.

Day 6: Rainboa NagaHyde

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

Rainboa is a skilled seductress who can sing a sirens song. She then coils around her victim as she lulls them in to a permanent sleep.


Day 1: Gregory Gnome

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

I decided to keep it light and go with a fun fantasy theme. Say hello to Gregory Gnome 🙂

#6 Colette

| November 6, 2011 | 2 Comments

Colette’s based on the ’61 Corvette that my Dad had.  He crashed it before I was born and we kept it in our garage until he sold sometime in the late 90’s.  Friend of mine spilled sunflower seeds all over it when we were little and it attracted a lot of mice.

The feel of the fiberglass body reminded me of a bug.


#5 Veyron

| November 6, 2011 | 1 Comment

Another Puca, this one based on the Bugatti Veyron.

He’s a touch more malicious than Emma.  Probably because his stint as the mount to a High King of Ireland years and years ago.  Veyron only goes back to Ireland if a situation is dire.

#6 Calvin Adarsh

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments


Calvin suffers from something referred to as the Corner Stone syndrome. The main symptom is the inability to permanently die.  Sure you can kill his current physical form but then a molecular facsimile is created directly corresponding the time of his death. This new Calvin is almost identical save for a temporary .5712% increase in all physical attributes. He also appears directly next to his old body and can remember everything up unto the point he was terminated and reassembled with new matter. The universe will not let him die and he has no idea why. The marginal increase in his abilities doesn’t amount to much, but if he were to die several times in succession the effects would be quite dramatic. This increase is only temporary though and will fade after falling asleep.


(Picture is a pass for me, just created a character in DCUO’s interface to you for this. I am no 3d modeler. )



#6 – Rastok

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments



Rastok is the patriarch of an ancient race of dragons known as the Vorchoveks who lived deep in the icy caverns of the Traldonian Mountains.  Although everyone in Traldon thinks they are merely legends and fantasy they eventually discover that Rastok and his clan did exist and they never died out, they were simply in one of their millennia-long hibernation cycles.   Rastok is very old and very wise, but is also arrogant and thinks humans are little more than annoying ants with long metal sticks.

#6 Vita

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

Vita was created by the Gardener(i should submit his design later) for the sole purpose of making music for his wife. She became attachd to him and instead of creating music, she spent her time adoring the Gardener from a distance.

(I was thinking she is some kind of robot made of marble)

Day 5

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

Trying to catch up.

Steve Harpster

Day 4

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

A few days late but still into the challenge

Steve Harpster

#6 Darmakhian Golem

| November 6, 2011 | 2 Comments

Darmakhian Golem
Age: Lives until smashed
Origin: Darmakh region
Eye color: Yellow and red

One of the Golems from Darmakh, This foul creature has been responsible for many casualties in this
Continent. The Darmakhian Golem possesses incredible strength and a vicious appetite for destruction.
Darmakhian Golems are 15 feet tall with a stench of death. They love to pillage and sink ships and
eating pirates (mermaids are a delicacy). They recently invaded the village of Amassia but were driven
off by Zohar, his crew and Didrik.

#6 Nightbreaker

| November 6, 2011 | 2 Comments

Who–or what–is Nightbreaker?

The true identity of this mysterious member of Mitchell Baranovich’s enforcer team is unknown.  Some say Nightbreaker might be female…but no one has bothered to remove the coal-black skintight outfit that Nightbreaker wears.  Or rather, no one who tried lived to tell about it.  No one can guess what is going on behind to luminous yellow circles that are Nightbreaker’s eyes.  Nightbreaker barely speaks above a whisper, but always follows the orders of Baranovich without question.

It could be that Nightbreaker isn’t even human.

Some say that Baranovich knows the real story about Nightbreaker…but he’s not telling anyone, choosing to keep it all to himself.

Nightbreaker’s main weapon is a scythe that can slice through flesh and bone like a hot knife through butter.  Surprisingly, the weapon is used more to wound, not kill.  It turns out Nightbreaker prefers to go in and use his or her hands to snap the neck of the target.

For the heroes Windwalker, Astral, and the Red Raptor–Nightbreaker remains one of their most dangerous–and mysterious–foes.

Day 06 –Sjana of Upper City from my novel “Mentor”

| November 6, 2011 | 2 Comments

2011 Day 06 --Sjana's Last Look Back, from my novel "Mentor"

Sjana of Upper City takes a last look back …
before leaping into the unknown.

Sjanatha A’tan Re’ khalanth, only daughter of widower Kinsaar A’tan Re’kalanth, Governor of the Lakes Region of  Vindertrest on the Rim planet T’rest.
Always a handful to manage, one always had the feeling the child had been born in the wrong time. Willful and petulant when balked. Inclined to go her own way regardless of the effect on others. Though to her credit, she never meant to cause grief to others. It was her passion for knowledge that caused her to seek ways around the safety protocols, precautions, and barriers. Se sought knowledge born of experience, rather than that readily available on the Grid, or from MAICS’s archives. She did gain knowledge from both those sources, but somehow it was not enough. Somehow she had to get herself physically inside a subject and turn it inside out until she really felt she knew it.

But that was a hard thing to do on T’rest. Especially since the war, after the ships stopped landing here. After the Bubble went up. Sjana’s Aunt, Renala del Re’sjahlak, Sister to Sjana’s mother Deira, had done the best she could to give Sjana the kind of loving guidance that her own sister Deira would have given her. And the two adored each other. But Renala was a fairly conventional woman. Though she had admired her sister’s bravery and forth right nature, she had often harboured thoughts that perhaps her sister’s untimely death had something to do with that nature. Her inability to let a thing go, let it ride…

Sjana took after Deira. Openly standing up for the weak. Loyal, bold and honest and forth right most of the time, but not afraid to go behind one’s back in order to fulfil  a perceived obligation. At this age, the tender age of seventeen, what Sjana thought was right and proper, she also thought everyone else should think was right and proper. It just never occurred to her that other people had their own agendas, and was surprised when people were offended or angry with her. She was often full of remorse to find that her actions had negative effects on others, and did what she could to make amends. But she wasn’t sorry that she’d done it. Because, well… she needed to. She was just very sorry that her needs had hurt others. All this coupled with her inexhaustible energy, sooner or later Sjana was bound to make trouble in a big way.

And so it was no surprise when Sjana’s synthdroid mentor, a’tannattal, reported her missing, last “seen” by MAICS over thirty hours ago heading toward the promontory. No Grid activity since then. Somehow, to Renala’s horror, Sjana had finally found a way to have escaped the Grid as she had often threaten to do. That or she was dead. How could a child survive with no Grid to guide her? The Grid was the one topic that Renala and Sjana could never see eye to eye. To Renala the Grid represented safety and freedom. You could never be alone. And that was just the opposite of what it represented to Sjana. To her it was stifling and intrusive. And you could never be alone. You could never experience anything or yourself, first hand. It chafed and she plotted ways and means to escape such benevolent tyranny.

Excerpt from “Mentor”:

She woke a long time later, stiff and sore with her head on her pack and her knees pulled up to her chest. She’d been dreaming about her mother again. Her mother who was smart and brave and beautiful and who loved her, just like Auntie had told her so often. She herself hardly remembered her, but dreaming about her was like a benediction.

She sat up working her neck muscles, moving her head from side to side when a gleam of pale light began dawning, not from above as she had expected, but from somewhere over there to her left; from the wall of the gap she had fallen into. She scrambled to her feet and slung on the pack. She stumbled over the stones and broken bits of marble to the light and found that there was yet another hole, this one big enough to swallow three of her.

She poked her head through the hole and looked around. There were other holes, like large broken windows, across from where she stood. The light was coming from there. They really looked like they might have once been windows. She’d learned about windows years ago when she’d asked why she couldn’t go to the places she saw on the windows, and was told they were only projections on screens that MAICS put there for us. Real windows were holes in the walls with an almost invisible substance fitted into it. to keep the outside outside so to speak. Those holes over there looked like that and that the light which was coming through them at angle was really somewhere outside. Light was coming in from outside. Was there no end to the wonders?

There was a whirring sound above her head. She ducked instinctively as something soft scraped across her hair.  there was a blur in front of her then a second later was somewhere else. So fast that she couldn’t focus on it, but it seemed to be a small bird, flying.

“How did you get out of your cage?” She murmured at it. Startled, it flew up out of her sight and she craned her neck to see where it had gone. There were hundreds of them up there, wings vibrating faster than light it seemed. And then she looked down. And gasped. It was a long way down. In fact it was so far down that she couldn’t see the bottom. The area that she could see, the part that held up the marble floor above her, was about forty feet  by sixty feet, she estimated.  There was a wide ledge, maybe six feet wide just below her hole, and the window holes on the other side, not all of which let in light, went down and down and down until you could no longer see any. What was this place? Did MAICS know about it? Why were there cageless birds here? Could they be wild birds? like they’d sometimes seen on the promontory?

Wonders! And nothing could have stopped her at that moment from climbing out through the hole and dropping the few feet to the ledge.