#1 Madame Rivière

| November 2, 2011 | 0 Comments

Question: What do you do when you’re sick of looking at drawing that you’ve been working on for a few hours?

Answer: Post it and not give any flips about it afterwards.

Anyway, This is Madame Rivière. She’s a high class, Fancy woman who is also a cougar.

Rumor has it that her  hair was originally white but dyed it to become “hip” with the young people. Whatever that means.

Category: 2011, Humor

About the Author ()

Hi my name is Rory and I draw comics and comic accessories. I'm taking this challenge to help myself out with a comic I'm working on that I plan to post on the web at one point or another. So I believe this is a great way to help me get all the ideas I have for characters and such to finally get on a piece of paper. My tumblr is mushroomfailure.tumblr,com if you're interested in that sort of thing.

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