#2 Rooka

| November 2, 2011 | 5 Comments

It’s passed midnight EST, so here’s my second character, Rooka!
Rooka is a red (green?) panda who lives her life as a humble ladybug shepherd.

Category: 2011, Fantasy

About the Author ()

Heya, I'm Allie! I like to draw very silly things.

Comments (5)

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  1. Nycteris says:

    I LOVE her! Adorable! I love the whole concept of ladybug shepherding!
    Amazingly, I sculpted a green red panda for a friend, once. πŸ™‚

  2. Kasey Rubenstein says:

    SO CUTE!

  3. Xiao Mao says:

    Very very adorable. Great concept, too!

  4. thiever says:

    very adorable ladybug shepherd

  5. Nona Ming says:

    This is just precious! The ladybug mantle is a nice touch to the character

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