Day 3: Stevie Makowski

| November 3, 2011 | 3 Comments

Stevie Makowski

Stevie Makowski is a 19 year old girl. She knows weapons and has taken up jobs in place of her uncle who has disappeared unexpectedly. As an assassin she never meets his clients and therefore is able to do his work without complications. She one day hopes to learn to play guitar but til then she just scats her awesome solos.

Category: 2011, Uncategorized

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  1. Does she have a little amp stowed away somewhere in there? I’ve always been a big fan of showing a character overstuffed with gear ever since i was a kid and saw –> in the players manual for Zelda on the nes. Yours is far more badass though.

    Good stuff man!

  2. J. James says:

    I would read Stevie Makowski’s daily travels. Yes! Nicely done.

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