#8: Stampede

| November 8, 2011 | 0 Comments



  • Real Name: Jerry Browning
  • Age: 35
  • Height: 6’9″
  • Weight: 275 lbs
  • Costume: Red wrestling suit with a white pinstripe and white boots

Character info: I had no intention of including Stampede in this 30 Character Challenge, but after drawing Brown Thrasher a few days ago, this guy stuck in my head. When I was 13, I created a team of supervillains and Stampede was a new character added to the team of previously existing characters. He was inspired by the large characters I saw in those early Image Comics (haha) and pro-wrestling (hahahaha). He was a former professional wrestler who went by the name Stampede, and he decided to turn to a life of crime when his wrestling career tanked. He even carried over his wreslting tag-line to taunt the heroes…”Mess with the bull, you get the horns!” Ahhh, good stuff.



Category: 2011, Superhero

About the Author ()

Writer/artist for self-published comics under the 80 Pork Comics and T.A.K. Comics banners. Titles include "The Adventurers of Liberty City", "Simon Says", "Bee Sting", "The Curse of Stranglehold", "Tales From The Suggestion Box", "Confessions From The Suggestion Box", "Wichita Gravy", "FLiP On", and "T.A.K. Comics Presents". Also, I'm a husband, a father, and a music snob.

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