#4 Uproar

| November 9, 2011 | 0 Comments

Art by Michael Powell (@mpowelljr)
Words by Rolando Garcia (@roshow)

Uproar was always one of the scrappiest, smartest  and most opportunistic kids in the North Central slums of Ultra City. He was running his own little gang by fifth grade. But at home he was low man on the totem pole. His mother was never without a boyfriend and they came in all shapes and sizes with two things in common: they liked to screw his mom and beat him up. Uproar’s propensity to talk back didn’t help things, earning him fat lips to go with the rest of the bruises.

His sonic scream developed in his mid-teens. Unfortunately for mommy’s last boyfriend, he chose to smack Uproar around at the wrong time. When Uproar talked back this time, the boyfriend’s insides exploded. Uproar realized he couldn’t speak without letting loose an uncontrollable sonic blast. No problem: he texted his gang to come over. Without speaking, he walked them through getting rid of the boyfriend’s body. The cops never even came looking, anyway.

His inability to talk without blow things up made him intimidating and his willingness to do it made him a force. Before long, Uproar and his gang rose to the top of their heap. He still controls all the major illegal activity in North Central.

Unknown to the general public, Uproar has been able to talk for the past year, thanks to a voice box. The clever device fits in his collar and regulates his voice, allowing him to control you hear him talk or feel your insides liquify. Uproar received the voice box as payment from an employee at Lunar Labs that he helped to move some regulated substances. But Uproar likes the dread his silence provokes in the average Joe, so he keeps it a secret. Mostly it helps Uproar in negotiations with the other bosses and expanding his gang’s reach.

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Category: 2011, Scifi, Superhero

About the Author ()

Rolando is extremely excited for 30 character. He has spent most of his time since graduating college in 2002 working the film industry. But his passion has always been storytelling and he is going back to his roots. He can't wait to see what everyone else is cooking.

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