#11 Asina kukin-Laran

| November 11, 2011 | 0 Comments

Warrior. Outcast. Savior?

Image from CDN3inmagine.com

Name: Asina kukin-Laran.

Age: 82.

Appearance: Taller than average among her people (near 5’10). Thin hair a mixture of black and silver, medium brown skin tone. Clothing suited for day-to-day life in a harsh environment. She wears one piece of jewelry: a ring given to her years earlier by her beloved.

Personal: A very, very tough old lady, considering she has managed to survive in exile by herself for fifty years. Wry sense of humor. She has retained the ability to keep herself safe from raiders and animals–now through craft rather than sheer physical ability.

Overview: Formerly a war-leader among her people, Asina exiled herself after failing to save her beloved and five other warriors from capture by an invading band. Since that time she has lived alone at the base of the legendary Temples of Gold, a mountain range held sacred by her people, and become nearly legendary herself. When a young woman makes a pilgrimage to find Asina, the fate of their people will change…

Category: 2011, Drama, Fantasy

About the Author ()

Librarian, metalhead, lit fan, and general nerd in Florida.

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