#30: The Caretaker

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Text reads:

“She put the world in a cage

to separate herself

from that which she was charged with;

to monitor it’s health.

She doesn’t have to feed it;

it self-perpetuates.

She only needs must keep it

locked behind cold iron grates.

She named herself caretaker

oh so many years ago

when she learned the world was lost

and didn’t know which way to go.

She doesn’t deign to tell us what to do or how to live.

She offers only interest, and that’s always there to give.”

Ok, so not only a character everyday, but a poem every day for 30 days. More or less. WHOOOO. Alllll done. πŸ˜€

Category: 2011

About the Author ()

Just a young whippersnapper who's interested in writing. >..<" I do a bit of poetry, and sometimes I write short stories when I have time.

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