Finch Greely & Hanzle Duncan

| November 15, 2011 | 2 Comments

FinchFinch Greely was born shortly after the fall of the Gradian colony and grew up in the refugee camps that took shelter deep underground. As part of the Advance Patrol, he volunteered to take part in a scouting mission to vanguard a new home for the Gradian colonists. Finch tends to be quiet and observant, prone to wait for a solution rather than dive in head long.

Unfortunately he was paired with…

HanzleHanzle Duncan. The colony’s top fighter pilot. Brash, impatient, and some what arrogant. Hanzle first thought he was being awarded the job of scouting for a new home world, but soon realized he was being “dumped off”. The truth being the former, but Hanzle insists it’s the later. Fueling this is the polar opposite partner he’s saddled with. Finch. Differences aside, there mission is of utmost importance. The colony is in near squalor, and the Ark ships they live in are becoming over crowded.

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Category: Drama, Humor, Scifi

About the Author ()

Self Employed cartoonist currently in Fort Wayne Indy. BFA Aquinas College 2000, post college, Metal smithing: Oxbow 97, Animation: Oxbow 2000, Kalamazoo Institute of Arts: Ceramics 04-05.

Comments (2)

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  1. A great odd couple if there ever was one πŸ˜€

  2. tompl says:

    Quite so, really like the colouring too.

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