#1 Morgan

| November 2, 2010 | 0 Comments

A young gifted teen trying to muddle through her new life without her mother and deal with the many spirits that demand her attention. A gifted artist she tries to work through her problems and pain with her many mediums of art.

In the beginning of the story she is simply trying to deal with the loss of her mother and watching her family slowly fall apart in front of her. Because of her age, 15, she has a better understanding of what is happening around her and with less apprehension than an adult she quietly solves the mystery of what her mother has become before she tells her.

Watching her father fall into despair is especially difficult for Morgan because she always looked up to him and wanted in so many ways to be like him. After her mother died Morgan realized her father could not raise her baby brother and younger sister alone so on top of her other responsibilities she began caring for her younger sister and brother more like a mother. She feels close to her mother every time she holds her brother remembering the way her mother smiled at her while holding Ryan shortly before she died.

Over the years Morgan has learned how to shut out the spirits when she does not want to deal with them but it is difficult for her gentle soul to refuse them, feeling their pain when they communicate with her. However over the years she has also dealt with angry, hateful spirits who only seem to want to hurt anything around them that notices them. Due to this it has strengthened her tender spirit – putting a steel rod inside of her that can bend and bend but not be broken. The fear can still effect her but not over take her and cause her to freeze unable to defend herself. Since defense is the best offense in her mind most of her abilities lie there. At this point Morgan is not aware what she is capable of or how she came to have her abilities at all, only that when she wants the spirits away from her she can force it if she has to. Other than her family the only friend that knows about her secret is her best friend Brielle that she has known since fist grade.

Like many teens she wishes for a true love that she reads about in novels or sees in moves but is grounded enough to know that kind of love is rare and never anticipates that it would happen to her. She enjoys having boys as friends and easily feels a connection with them but rarely find herself interested in one as more than a friend. Morgan sometimes feels like she already has a boyfriend because of her close friend Melissa’s constant boy trouble that somehow she inevitably ends up involved in.

Morgan struggles to maintain the balance between delving into the mysteries of the supernatural, hanging out with friends, working on her art, and keeping up her grades during her 10th grade year.


Category: Drama, Horror

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