#4 Arcanus Tem

| November 4, 2010 | 7 Comments

A master of the arcane, Julius Tem was from a family of the sorcerous- the talent was strong in the bloodline.

So strong and so focused was he, in fact, that as Julius entered his seventy-second year of study he failed to notice even the cardiac arrest that stole his life.

As time passes and gradually his condition became clear to him, Julius began to rationalize and reason the event more and more , to the point that he can now pursue his studies unhampered by morals, compassion…or humanity.

Category: Fantasy, Horror

About the Author ()

Hello, everyone. My name is Gregory Gibbons, and I've been drawing for a long, long time. Check out my website to see some of my gallery stuff, and my little flash games, too.

Comments (7)

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  1. atombat says:

    Great work mate. Not even noticing a cardiac arrest, now that’s focus, bravo. πŸ™‚

  2. Super cool. Great story too.

  3. Chad Welch says:

    I love the idea of a sorcerer who is so powerful, he doesn’t even notice when he dies. That…is sooo rad. Great art and pose as well!

  4. saulone says:

    Dig the back story and the artwork! Harkens back to Tolkien’s Ringwraiths a bit in the design. The mist and glows are well done and subtle here.

  5. Gensanova says:

    Ah the Tems. What a family. Love the hand and the lighting, but jewelry finishes it off nicely.

  6. Kerry Harris says:

    Awesome. Classic Greg. The glowing elements finish it nicely. Love it!

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