#5 Bellerophon the Atomic Space Ape

| November 9, 2010 | 8 Comments

A “necessary casualty of progress” is what they called him. The space race was on after all. So after a bit of “training,” they dressed him up in a fancy little suit & strapped him into the center of a rocket. He hardly knew any better. He assumed he’d be getting a banana for his troubles. Then came launch. The noise, the vibration, the chaos. It was all a bit much. Then the floating. That wasn’t so bad. But it went on for a while. Then came the light.

You see, they fired his capsule right into the path of a gamma ray burst. Just to see what would happen. The result? One spurned space Simian hopped up on all sorts of cosmic radiation. After a long, cold trip to the outer reaches of our solar system & around again, he’s back, & livid. NASA never prepared for this contingency. Who can stop this monkey menace?

Category: Horror, Humor, Scifi, Superhero

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Comments (8)

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  1. Samar Ertsey says:

    Again, another cool concept. My only thing about this is, I have always pitied the monsters more than their victims. So, instead of thinking about how to stop him, I’ll be rooting for Bellerophon!
    At’em, boy! Catch!!!

  2. Great design! Awesome story!

  3. Chris Tupa says:

    Very cool! Love the details on the suit!

  4. Dan Jensen says:

    Dude, you had me at monkey skull. Looks awesome!

  5. JoeCook says:

    Sweet. So awesome.

  6. Jared says:

    Thanks a lot, guys! Wasn’t sure how this one was going to turn out, so I’m glad you’re digging it

  7. saulone says:

    That is Awesome! I’m loving the red pencil you’re using on all of yours, and the popping out of the frame is a nice treatment. Keep em up – yours are some of my favorites πŸ™‚

    • Jared says:

      Thanks man! Hoping to have at least one more posted this evening at least. I’m going to eventually go back & clean & color them, but I’d like to catch up before I start posting them like that.

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