#13 – “Gator Percy”

| November 13, 2010 | 0 Comments

“Gator Percy” from Australia will be a recurring guest star on “Marginal Men”.

A mysterious fellow who seems to be too perfect to be true. He claims to be the perfect gentleman, completely honest, and an expert in animal handling.

What sets him apart from any park ranger are his further claims of having been raised by and in the company of alligators, which has not only increased his strength to levels rarely achieved by humans, but has also made him the master of alligators.

“Gator Percy” insists that there are sewer-alligators in New York, and that he uses them to fight crime.

Needless to say, nobody believes the man. Yet, he is allowed to join the team since he is skilled in close-range combat and can tie up criminals in under 4 seconds.

It remains to be seen how much of his backstory is actually true.

Alligator Percival is meant to be an absolutely “over the top” character, to have a little bit of comic relief in the otherwise very serious storyline.


Category: Superhero

About the Author ()

Sam is a prized comicbook artist from Germany. He is co-founder and head teacher of the first free school for comicbook arts (est. 2003), located in Munich, Germany.

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