#3 – Professor Neutrino

| November 3, 2011 | 7 Comments

#3 Professor Neutrino

At long last, the maniacal scientist Professor Neutrino makes his debut! The Professor is responsible for the sexy, slithery Copperhead, and the poisonous fishman, Blowfish from last year’s 30Characters challenge. He’s added a few more creations to his army of mutated henchmen this year! Can nothing stop him?!


Category: 2011, Horror, Scifi, Superhero

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  1. Joe says:

    Incredibly creepy, classic villain. Good one man!

  2. Eric White says:

    This one creeps me out. Brilliant work Gary.

  3. Octrapenny says:

    I too love the classic feel.

  4. Nathan Seabolt says:

    Nice! This is my kind of villain, for sure: skilled and methodical, yet messy and maniacal. And with an exposed braincase, which no self-respecting super evil scientist would leave home without.

    Looking forward to the rest of your posts!

  5. Listerart says:

    Many thanks, gang! I’m a sucker for the throwback, classic characters. Growing up on healthy doses of Kirby, Romita, Kubert, Buscema, Stan Lee, etc. does that to a person. πŸ™‚

  6. MikeDubisch says:

    Excellent! Great villain!!

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