#6-Brother Buddha

| November 7, 2011 | 0 Comments

Brother Buddha, oneness personified. For some unknown and mysterious reason, all of Nirvana was forced out it’s place in existence, many years ago, and brother Buddha is what remains. The forced physical manifestation of all that have reached enlightenment, discovered in the site of the Dali Llama’s long abandoned Indian temple, by Sam Stride the DCCCLXIV. Since then, the Strides have always been a friend to the Buddha, to help him regain his position in existence and keep him from altering humanity too much.

15 minutes late better then never. Spent the day working on my printmaking gallery show so it was worth it. Also had to use a buffer character from the Stride universe, probably going back to the Prick tomorrow.


Category: 2011, Superhero

About the Author ()

Have a busy November, might as well go for the gold and do a little more.

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