Day 26: The Eternal Knight

| November 26, 2011 | 0 Comments

Young Roland Platt  was a sophomore high school kid in Takoma Park.  Although his grades were extrordinary, he took in no extra carricular activities, or had anything in terms of a real friend.  His father and mother were both absent from his life, so he was raised by his grandparents. He was for the most part a loner in any kind of social circle.  This made him the target of local bullies.  One such night he was on his way home from school when he was chased into a nearby park where he discovered a strange glowing object.  He went to touch it thinking it was some sort of electronic device and was charged with some sort of radioactive glow which caused him to pass out.  When he awoke he returned home, and went about his business.  The next morning however he found that he had begun to manifest powers of flight, super strength, and other abilities that put him head and shoulders above average human beings.  Being a loner kid that although had a good heart, his lack of social interaction had him looking into things like comic books, television, and other media sources to try and find inspiration for what he should do with his powers.  This led him to adopt the moniker of THE ETERNAL KNIGHT, an english translation of his favorite TV wrestler EL CABELLERO ETERNO.  So the Eternal Knight began a crime fighting career.  But often finds what he read in the comics is not how the real world operates…

Category: 2011, Fantasy, Participants, Scifi, Superhero

About the Author ()

Dan Nokes is the sequential guru of the Southern Maryland DIY Revolution! When not wandering the uncharted wilderness of Lusby, MD in a supernaturally induced blood fever, he is the head of a little one man band called 21st Century Sandshark Studios. This bastion of indie comic goodness has to date put out a 67 page graphic novel (The Reptile and Mister Amazing 2002) a 12 issue maxi series (The Paranormals 2003-2008) a three issue western (The Pistoleers 2008-2010) and is currently working on the second and final volume of his dystopian classic (Adam and Eve: Bizarre Love Triangle in the Zombie Apocalypse 2011-2012) He is also working on illustration duties for Nick Davis' upcoming children's book (Unconditional: A Teddy Bear's Tale 2011). His future projects include his forray into webcomics with his Sci-fi comedy (Impossible Space Tales from The Last Pitt Stop) and a return to Super Hero Lore (The Reptile and Mister Amazing: The Return of Kat Carson)!

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