#6 Zed Hunter

| November 6, 2010 | 0 Comments

“Now I lay me down to sleep. Zombies out side do slowly creep. If they come before I wake. Two shots not one you promise to make.” – Zed Hunter’s Prayer

I hunt them during the day, shamblers, bastards of the reaper. I hunt zombies.

Sure it aint’ the safest job, but what the hell do you expect me to do? Shad’up that’s one of ’em questions you don’t answer. A man’s got to make a living and why shouldn’t he enjoy his job? Boy you just don’t know how to keep quiet do you? In our line of work it pays not to get noticed. Sure I got some broken fingers and one chomper manged to bust my nose, but you should have seen his head explode when I was done. No reason to feel bad for these rotting bags, don’t forget they’ll eat you without thought.

Sure those crazy bastards in New York have their Game. Sick corporate #@$% profiting on putting more people at risk, the worse is when they turn those competing in the game into star zombies themselves if they fail. Son of bitch, all of them. Don’t get me started about that non-sense to the west. Some crazy bitch living among the dead without worry. That is non-sense and no way anyone could do it.

Zed is dead baby!

And zombie hunters, do it in the head.

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