#8 Candledemon

| November 8, 2010 | 1 Comment

I really wandet to color this at the PC…but man, I have a headache, so no coloring today. I’m glad I’ve finished this little guy so far at all.

Maybe Sam remembers the day when everybody at the workshop was trying to create a firedemon, well I’ve drawn a draft of this little creature and today I tried to work on this.

As its name says it is a candleflamedemon, yet still small and cute. These creatures are quite vivid, moving all the time and so curious, that they have to touch everything close to them.  This characteristic trait makes it quite easy to catch one of these demons; you just have to use a match, as seen above.

As soon as you start to feed a candledemon it will grow and become a firedemon. At this stage it is able to have more than two arms, now searching for something to eat. If you don’t take care it will be spoilt soon, growing more and more and becoming less controllable but really greedy.

I will try to upload the firedemon soon.

See you tomorrow.

Category: Fantasy

About the Author ()

I'm 23 years young and finally at university. I'm attending to Sam's free Comicschool MICS for at least 5 years. I also was a trainee at WOC, were I learnd to animate and to draw better. It was a great time

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  1. Samar Ertsey says:

    Why, of COURSE I remember!
    So very cute!
    We’ll do the colouring later, and then you can re-upload the picture!

    See ya!

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