#11 – Imprint

| November 13, 2010 | 0 Comments

Imprint has the power of fast reading. Filing through a book in a second or so gives her enough time to absorb all the information in that book. However, she does not have a super-memory.
Moreover, having read lots of books, Imprint is bored with reading completely, since she takes no enjoyment from books at all.
She works as cinema operator Lucy Allred, enjoying movies far more than literature.
She gets to know Glitch in a chatroom, and he convinces her to use her powers for good as well. This proves to be harder than imagined, because her powers grant her little actual advantage. Imprint develops a crush on Simulacrum, whom she supports by supplying ideas for further transformations.


Category: Superhero

About the Author ()

Sam is a prized comicbook artist from Germany. He is co-founder and head teacher of the first free school for comicbook arts (est. 2003), located in Munich, Germany.

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