#29 November #30 February

| November 30, 2010 | 6 Comments

Lovers out of time and out of place. Passing the sword as the seasons change.

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Category: 2010, Fantasy, Horror

About the Author ()

Co-creator of RELAUNCH, AZURE for DC Comics, Artist on GRIMM for Dynamite, Marvel storyboarder, illustrator of books and covers, concept artist, creative director... Boxer owner.

Comments (6)

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  1. TiMrozek says:

    Posted at 11:59. Dan you are awesome.

  2. K says:

    At the last literal minute. A great way to end this journey, for all of us too πŸ™‚ Congratulations!

  3. Jane Wankmiller says:

    That’s beautiful,Dan.

    • saulone says:

      Thanks Jane! This one was ashamedly a redo of a piece I did long ago as a loose sketch. I was hoping to take it further but wanted to get the last one in by 11:59pm. :/

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