#30 well known enemy

| November 30, 2010 | 0 Comments

Honestly, I think everyone had to deal with this lady during the last 30 days.  The muse of having no idea or not being able to bring your Ideas to the paper. Since I had no Idea for the last character I scribbled this one, because  for me she looks like this.  Not interesting enough to draw, blocking your thoughts and grinning at you about this all the time.

Anyway, finished ^^.

I really enjoyed the time here and I’m looking forward to next year.

Wishing you all a nice christmastime ; )

Category: 2010, Uncategorized

About the Author ()

I'm 23 years young and finally at university. I'm attending to Sam's free Comicschool MICS for at least 5 years. I also was a trainee at WOC, were I learnd to animate and to draw better. It was a great time

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