#11 – Iscura Tragtomb

| November 11, 2010 | 2 Comments

Iscura Tragtomb is a new character in the world and story of Art Geek Zoo: The Way of Sound.

Iscura spends his days as a petty tyrant in the offices of the Zoo College of the Arts (ZCA) managing the day to day operations of the offices. His favorite thing is finding technicalities that force students to rethink major aspects of their school careers. He’s practiced in finding prerequisites that are not met well-enough, reasons to put students into probabtion, and reasons to expel students on probation.

This all started for Iscura when he was seeking entrance into ZCA soon after ZCA became an accredited art college. Iscura wanted to be a famous art professor and sought entrance into the most difficult program offered at ZCA the Polytechnica Master of the Arts. Why go for such a lofty academic position? In Iscura’s town, it was uncommon for the younger generation to seek careers outside of the local businesses of foam and tourism… so throughout his life he was a celebrated small town hero and had little outside feedback. That’s the polite way Iscura remembers things. In actuality, anytime someone offered feedback Iscura would pitch a fit to be tied… and after a few of those outbursts at public events and fairs people treated him differently. They gave him constant, droning approval.

When Iscura met the young Angela Tall (who is now the dean of the whole college – then an admittance counselor) she gently explained what he needed to work on in order to be admitted in a year or two. Then when Iscura tried to launch into a whiney tirade throwing papers and books about her office – Angela would have none of it. She subdued Iscura and as she was escorting him out of her office in an arm twisting wrist lock – he opened up a seemingly sincere plea to just be part of the college somehow to work his way up the ladder – no matter how long it took.

Years later, Iscura just bides his time waiting for opportunities to look good to his supervisor (which is still Angela Tall) and to vent his frustrations by throwing red tape and technicalities at unsuspecting students. He has set his eyes on the dean’s job which he’s still waiting for the right situation to make his move.

Optional fun bonus game with this post! Iscura Tragtomb is an anagram. Can you guess it? Whoever guesses it first on twitter by @ tweeting me the answer (I’m @RobStenzinger) by the end of November, I’ll send them an artist trading card sketch of one my 30 Characters.

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Category: Drama, Fantasy, Manga

About the Author ()

Cartoonist (Art Geek Zoo!), Guitarist, Game Developer (Guitar Fretter!), UX Guy, Metalhead, Husband, Proud Daddy, Gamer.

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  1. He looks like the kind of guy that would want to twist the system and fly off the handle.

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