#10 Veit

| November 27, 2010 | 0 Comments

Another character from “Königreich der Welten”.

This is Veit, a fourteen year old boy and one of the three managers of the youth center. To be exact, the manager of a little cafe which takes place one secific day every week and where all youth can meet to play, talk and to order pizza from Veit and his two friends.

Veit has the gift of the gab and seems to have never ending energy, at least if he doesn’t have to do something. He does a lot of sports like hockey and volleyball but somehow he seems to have a tough luck at these hobbys because he tends to break his right hand very often(as you can also see at the picture). He doesn’t matter about that and is happy to be unable to write at school.

As already said, Veit is full of energy as long as he doesn’t have to do something. He might be one of the managers of the cafe but in fact he refuses to do anything. He doesn’t react to orders and his two teammates have to do most of the work. But somehow no one, except this two,  is angry with Veit because of that.

Nevertheless he is a boy everyone could rely on if the worst comes to the worst.

Thanks to Sam for helping me to fix his pose somehow

Category: Manga

About the Author ()

I'm 23 years young and finally at university. I'm attending to Sam's free Comicschool MICS for at least 5 years. I also was a trainee at WOC, were I learnd to animate and to draw better. It was a great time

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