#12 – Searcher

| November 24, 2010 | 0 Comments

These strange floating steel globes seem to always be around, watching the survivors of the Solar Labs accident. It’s uncertain what they are doing, but they seem to be searching for something (hence the name), always looking, moving things and inspecting. No one is sure what it inside the domes, which have a diameter of about a foot, but through their small port holes crackling energy distorts what vaguely look like a pair of eyes.

They move around by releasing some sort of energy from the underside of the globe. There are two metal tentacle like appendages on either side. The ends of the tentacles have the ability to unravel into several prehensile strands which, when divided down to a single strand, is thinner than a human hair and yet still strong enough to lift and manipulate objects.  Searchers have also been known to emit a blast of energy from it’s view port, though this seems to weaken them.

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Category: Scifi

About the Author ()

Artist, Dad and Husband. I'm a workaholic, a twitaholic, a cartoonaholic...which leave very little time to be an alcoholic I suppose. Also not on that list...sleep. My days are spent working as a graphic designer for the University of Nebraska Medical Center. My evening, nights and early morning are spent flatting. I recently started dabbling into sketch cards and there is a webcomic in my head that's trying to get out.

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