Archive for November 3rd, 2011

#2 Wisp (The Good Little Ghost Girl)

| November 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

#2 Wisp ( The Good Little Ghost Girl) “And when I’m bad, I’m even better”

This character was inspired by the 1992 movie “Cool World”. This was a film that combined live-action actors and cartoon characters on the same screen, much in the way “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” did. In the climax of the film, the hero has to save Los Vegas  by fighting off an invasion of cartoon ghosts. Wisp is a takeoff on the several girl ghosts that were part of the invasion.

Incidently, the male monsters and fantasy characters on the left of the picture includes the Mask (far left of picture) — “Smokin’!”



#3 – Abraham A. Arnold

| November 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

Abraham A. Arnold - The Majors

The crotchety owner of the Motor City Majors, Abraham A. Arnold (or triple A as he is called when he isn’t present) has driven the once storied franchise into the ground with poor management of personnel and staff. After acquiring the Championship winning team from his father Alastair, Motor City has failed to recapture the glory of those years in the Golden Era of hockey. Unless a major change happens at the ownership level, the team will continue its decades long slide into the league basement and cement itself in the history books as one of the worst franchises in the modern era.

Abraham Arnold refuses to listen to any types of change, and is extremely stubborn. At the ripe age of 82, he barely clings to life yet still fiercely controls anything management related in regards to the Majors.

#3 Lady Limber Tea

| November 3, 2011 | 4 Comments

While attempting to rescue a seal from Boston Harbor, Chamomile Grey happened upon an intact airtight chest of tea from the Boston Tea Party. Upon drinking the aged leaves Chamomile gains increased flexibility, loosening her tendons as well as her bowels. On occasion she’ll employ her powers for crime-fighting but she mostly uses them to show off during her yoga class. When she utters her catchphrase “It’s Tea Time!” prepare to either be kicked in the face or served cucumber sandwiches.

#3 – Bae

| November 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

Another character I pretty much can’t say anything about. Will eventually show up in The End. Didn’t get to spend a lot of time on this one because of deadlines, so she’s likely to go through a bunch of changes before she ever shows up.

#3 Friar Muck

| November 3, 2011 | 4 Comments

#2 Majaveiras

| November 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

Entry for day 2, I’m late on this one. Day 3 will be posted sometime later today. Majaveiras is adapted from the name Mahavira, which means “most valiant”. The name doesn’t translate well into the character, but I hope to somewhat mature the design later. His personality is exactly as his design looks, though. I wanted to at least make that apparent. It’s a little tragic…

Becka Plath

| November 3, 2011 | 1 Comment

Becka PlathBecka Plath is one of Bridgette’s closest friends. She’s the only child of Robert Plath, an owner of a small comics and collectables shop. She works at the shop after school were she’s befriended the local geeks. One of which is Aziz, Bridgette’s boyfriend. Becka now feels conflicted, she’s seen first hand just how much Aziz means to Bridgette, but she can’t help but sense the growing feelings she has for him herself.


#2 A potato…who also sumo wrestles

| November 3, 2011 | 1 Comment

Still trying to figure out the best setting on my scanner. Obviously haven’t found them. 🙂


Anyhow going with fighting vegetables theme, as the title states, this a is a potato who also happens to be a sumo wrestler. I figure he and Pickle Ninja will become friends after an intense battle similar to that of Rocky and Apollo Creed.







Critiques/input welcome.

#3 Corvid Seraphim

| November 3, 2011 | 5 Comments

From a prompt by John Nakamura Remy:


















Crow-seraphim: crow’s head and feet, six crow wings, human torso and arms, wielding a sword with black flame. guards the approach to the Tree of Death and Forgetting.

(I found myself unable to work in the extra wings and sword.  Maybe next time.)

Thank you John!

#3 – Jacob Marcosa

| November 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

Jacob Marcosa was once a young man and second in line to be clan leader. His elder brother, Byron, made clan leader at seventeen, making young Jacob jealous. When Byron died young at the age of twenty-six, leaving behind his son and daughter, Jacob attempted to take White Claw into himself. The wolf refused and instead cast out Jacob’s own wolf spirit back to the spirit realm and took his right eye as punishment. No longer lycan, Jacob is dishonored and seen as useless. He tries to make himself useful to his family by aiding Renian with diplomacy and being Tabby’s nanny. With Tabby gone the last two years he has decided to hermit himself on the edge of the clan’s territory waiting for the day his wolf spirit may find him again.



Day 3 – El Guapo

| November 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

#2 – Renian ‘White Claw’ Marcosa

| November 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

Renian Marcosa leads the clan and main family. He is Tabby’s older brother. Renian considers himself a baby sitter to some of the clan’s more unruly members and constantly seeks advice from his dishonored grandfather. Liking the hunt, he leads the pack once a week to fetch food and exhaust their innerselves.

Renian’s wolf side is called White Claw. White Claw used to be his father’s wolf spirit until he inherited it on his father’s death bed. Since then, he has been in charge of the clan, despite his very young age. White Claw is a long eared, long tailed white wolf claiming to be from the Glorious times. White Claw will only inhabit the bodies of acceptables, or those who won’t be driven insane by his power. White Claw also grants Renian certain gifts, such as small foresight, minor healing abilities and blood scent.




| November 3, 2011 | 1 Comment

#3 Thomas Finn

| November 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

Name: Thomas Finn

Age: 34

Birth date: June 5, 1975

Occupation: FBI agent

PB: Mark Wahlberg


The first thing you need to know about Thomas is that he never wanted to be an FBI agent. He was never interested in police work or the greater good or anything like that. He wanted to be something unobtrusive, like a middle school science teacher or an accountant. But when all the men in your family…and some of the women… work for the FBI? Well, you don’t have much of a choice.

At first his family was thrilled that he had decided to follow in the tradition, after all. That enthusiasm didn’t last very long. No matter where they assigned him he never seemed to fit. He was constantly losing files, misidentifying marks, deleting recordings and don’t even ask about his record with a firearm. They’d have dismissed him years ago, if not for his family history. His only saving grace was that he hadn’t done anything that had completely ruined a case or gotten anyone killed. He was, simply, just a major inconvenience for everyone else.

Due to a lack of options, he was given an undercover assignment with strict instructions to keep his mouth shut and not do anything. True to form, he blew his cover. However, he was so absolutely inept that the group he was in with thought he was joking around and carried on as if nothing had happened. His superiors were baffled. They’d finally found something he couldn’t screw up. He became their newest star undercover agent, whether he liked it or not. He still blew his cover occasionally, but he somehow managed to keep it together long enough to get the information they needed.

As far as his home life goes? Well, it doesn’t.  He moved out of his parent’s house when he was 18, getting his own small apartment. He was engaged once to a lovely girl named Felicia. Two months away from the wedding, though, she decided she’d had enough of him losing these, dropping this, forgetting that. She left and he hasn’t really had much luck, since.

The one thing he’s found that he can do without breaking or losing anything is building models. He started with model kits, but he’s since escalated to building scale models of buildings, bridges and monuments from scratch. He gives many away as gifts, but his favorites are scattered around his apartment. The reason (that he has yet to discover) is that it’s something he loves. It’s something HE wants to do. When he’s in the field or planning a wedding  he’s doing what someone else’s told him he needs to do and his heart isn’t in it so his attention wanders.  He’s gotten better with undercover work since he does enjoy pretending to be someone else for a while, but he still wishes he were somewhere else.

His current assignment is infiltrating a group of antiquities smugglers. Over the course of his investigation he’s witnessed a few unexplainable things. He wouldn’t exactly call them supernatural or magic (that’s just crazy, right?) but he’ll be damned if he has any idea what he saw. It has, however, gotten him curious. For the first time since he started working undercover he’s actually interested in a case. Could it be that this will be the first time he makes it all the way through a case without screwing anything up? Might he actually make some discovery that will change everything? If he does he’ll probably be the last to know.



**his first undercover assignment**


Finn shifted uneasily from one foot to the next under the scrutiny of the larger man. “I’m the guy that Vinnie sent you.”

“You said that, already.” He deadpanned, “You don’t look like no car thief.”

Smoothing his hands down the sides of his jeans to wipe the sweat off his palms, Finn cleared his throat. “Yeah, well, you don’t look like the head of a gang so I guess we’re even.” That sounded wimpy even to him. This was never going to work.

The man looked at him a minute before bursting out laughing. “You got a hell of a pair on ya, I’ll give ya that. A’ite. Come on back.”

Finn let out a sigh of relief and smiled as he followed. So far, so good. Now he only had to maintain his cover until the guys could get enough video from the button cam and he was golden. He looked around as he walked, “n-nice place you’ve got, here.”

“Thanks, man. I been collectin’ all this shit for a while, now. Don’t look like I’ll be goin’ nowhere anytime soon so I’m takin’ my time.”

“It shows. I especially like this one.” He gestured to a sculpture they were walking past. “It reminds me of one I saw in the National Gallery in DC…” His eyes got wide as he realized what he just said. Shit. He stammered, “Y-Y-You know, when I went there on that stupid school trip way back when. Did you ever go on that one? You know, when they drag everyone to DC just to look at the statues and the constitution and they think that it’ll make all the kids appreciate the country and how it was founded and all thaaaaa-oh no.” He froze, staring at the gun that was now pointed at his head.

“You a fed.”

“No. No, I’m-“

“You a motha-fuckin’ fed! I oughtta put one in your head right now.”

His words came out in a torrent as he waved his hands between them, “No. Nonononono you’ve got it all wrong. You see, I just went to DC on that class trip, I’m not a fed. I don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re wrong so please just put the gun away, please.”

“Oh, yeah, like I’m gonna believe that.” He laughed and waved the gun. “Let’s go.”

Finn knew he was out of options. He knew he had to act tough and stand up to this guy, not be the sniveling wimp as he was currently doing a very job of imitating. The boss’ head was turned, this was his chance. Without another thought he reached behind his back for his gun, pulling it out… and promptly losing his grip, sending it skittering across the floor.

The boss looked at the gun, then looked at him. “What the fuck was that?” He fought to keep the corners of his lips from turning as the thugs around him cracked up.

“I…” he sighed, shrugging helplessly and resigning himself to his fate.

“You?” The boss laughed, letting the gun fall to his side. “aww, hell, you ain’t no fed. Vinnie said you was new, he didn’t say you was an idiot. I jus’ hope you steal cars better’n you handle a gun.” He holstered his gun and walked off.

Finn opened his mouth to reply, but nothing came out. Well that could’ve gone better… at least the hardest part was over. He hoped.

#3 – Michael Grandison (Werewolf)

| November 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

#3 – Michael Grandison

17 years old and living in Chambersburg, PA.
Michael was born a werewolf, though the mutation didn’t manifest itself until he was 14 years old. Throughout his life, his parents prepared him for the coming change by enforcing a life meditation and relaxation. His goal is to avoid becoming worked up because even adrenaline can cause his strength and senses to activate, causing him difficulty being reasonable. Over the years he’s learned defensive martial arts and Eastern meditation techniques.

Michael lives with two great fears, the first is losing control of himself and attacking someone, the second is nights there is an eclipse of the full moon, when he becomes completely savage.

Due to the werewolf gene being infused with his DNA, Michael has severe reactions to chemical additives in his food. While he tries to eat as normally as possible, he has to avoid heavily processed foods and drinks.

Michael is an average student and enjoys the subjects of biology, math, and wood shop.

Michael is the lead character in the book Adrenaline Town, which has yet to be written.

A special thanks to my talented daughter Mackenzie for her art skills.  She will always be a better artist than I could dream of being.

#3 – Teddie

| November 3, 2011 | 1 Comment

Teddie, zombie slayer! Second self-proclaimed nemesis to Elodie.

Prior to the zombie apocalypse, Teddie was just your average guy. Friday Night Magic, MST3k marathons, and buying all the collector items he could possibly afford. Now that the zombie apocalypse has actually happened, Teddie is living out his dream of being a big hero, like in all the schlocky movies he adores. He uses replica movie and game weapons to fight zombies.

#3: Esperance

| November 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

Real Name: Esperance

Height: 5’6

Hair: purple

Skin: pale blue

Costume: purple bodysuit with two toned green gloves, boots, belt, and collar

Powers/Abilities: Born on an alien world which allows her to use ether in space to fly and create force fields

Character info: I originally thought up this character about 10 years ago and she was going to be part of team of space-oriented characters that were interacting with a forgotten earth hero. When kicking around ideas for future story arcs for The Adventurers of Liberty City , this idea came up and I ran it past Brad and David. While the three of us are still trying to come up with space characters that may be used, I know that this one will DEFINITELY show up, because she’ll have a further backstory that is integral to the plot line. She’s basically very peaceful in nature; however, when her race was attacked, she was forced to fight for her freedom. That’s exactly where she stands now…fighting for the freedom of herself and her allies.

#3 Giggles

| November 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

Don’t mess with Giggles. Seriously.

#3 – Manfred von Richthofen – Dragoon

| November 3, 2011 | 2 Comments

The Red Baron

Manfred von Richthofen, better known as the Red Baron, is today’s subject. Von Richthofen was a fighter pilot during the first World War, during which he racked up over 80 confirmed kills, a feat which earned him the title “ace-of-aces.” In life, von Richthofen was a skilled, thoughtful tactician, and, if one is being honest, a bit of a pompous twit. Still, his extreme skill earned him the admiration of allies and enemies alike. When he was eventually shot down — and nobody gets as famous as he did without attracting some less desireable attention — even his opponents in the Allied camp mourned his passing.

In the end, it was von Richthofen’s extreme flying skill that led me to cast him as a Dragoon. Dragoons have a rather fractured history in RPGs: these spear-weilding knights have been cast as both allies and hunters of dragons, and even as thralls held in service of dragons against their will. But it was the association these spear-weilding knights carry with dragons and aerial combat that made the Dragoon a good fit for the Red Baron.

Day 3 Animal Oddjobs – Snail Skater

| November 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

Skater Snail likes to live life dangerously fast.

I hope you guys are liking my animals so far, Im loving how many people are participating COME GUYS THIS JUST GOT STARTED LET’S DO THIS!

#3 Bunny

| November 3, 2011 | 0 Comments


I draw the landscapes of space. I sowe the tapestries of time. My power is infinite, and undesputable. I am a force of great destruction, able to wreak havok upon the worlds I have created with a single flick of my thumb, and stroke upon the pad, not that I’d ever. I am too gentle to willingly destroy beauty, and far too busy to spend time in ruin.

I am kind, showing my love for all that is created, it is too beautiful to leave unadmired. And leave unfinished. Everything could always look better, a new coat, something to make it shine.

These worlds should be fun, no use making something bland, having it looked over, and passed aside. It is my gift of wings that gives flight to the art. It is my pen that makes their thoughts loud, and their emotions pure. It is my brush that flushes their faces full, and sparkle their eyes genuine and happy.

It is the heart and soul of the poet. It is the right of the artist.

Judge me by my worlds, and title me accordingly.

But I will share my worlds regardless. Beauty is everywhere.

And anything is beautiful to someone…


| November 3, 2011 | 3 Comments

The Perfect Babysitter

Tired of seeing your children sad after a long, tiring day at work? Do you want them under surveillance, and communicate with them at such a long distance?

Fear no more for the NANIBOT will surely serve those purposes.

Built to be the perfect babysitter, the NANIBOT can recognize languages from over 40 countries! Dialects included.

Do not worry about water, because this bot is waterproof! And speaking of water, the robot comes equipped with a twin-beverage dispenser. Tap twice on the faucet to use. And tap 3 fingers on the faucet if you want to take them out, attached to a hose.

The detachable hat comes equipped with a built-in wireless camera, which could also be used for a webcam. This way, you could see the darling smiles on your children and ask about their days at school. The camera can also turn 180 degrees just in case your children are away from the robot’s eyes! Speaking of eyes, there is a projector lens we provide if your children want to watch a movie.

The printer collar is USB-enabled, so if you have no printer at home, NANIBOT will help along with that! We have put 10 cartridges of ink into the NANIBOT, and if you need more, don’t hesitate to call us.

The hands are entirely changeable, provided you give us the licence. Our catalogue of tools include staplers, swatters, scissors and more!

For all this, we bring you a lifetime warranty if your robot has its batteries gone. If you had stored albums of your family into the robot’s hard drive, we can make sure to put it into your new NANIBOT.

It’s only US$999 but your lives will surely change if you adopt this NANIBOT into your family.

Here in, we try to provide customers with the most efficient products.

((I thank my friend Okibi for giving me some technical ideas for the robot!))

02 – The Gold Gladiator

| November 3, 2011 | 2 Comments

From #1 – Lady G’Lipis & the Danaians

… America’s first real superhero!  (The Gold Gladiator is arguably the first superhero, by a matter of minutes.)

After the departure of the Danaians, Michigan Senator Trent Edward Day suddenly doubled over in pain, clutching his stomach and screaming that his skin was burning as a steam started to rise from his skin.  A scientist left in charge of the mysterious Elixir sphere quickly responded to the situation and dowsed the Senator in luminescent contents of the orb.  With a final scream Trent Day was transformed into the GOLD GLADIATOR!

The Gold Gladiator’s body has been completely converted to a golden metal that has rendered the Senator impervious to injury and allows him to shift his right arm into a large, very sharp blade.  Other physical changes accompanied this transformation including enhanced strength, the loss of the need to breathe or eat which has been replaced with a need to absorb solar energy, and a significant increase in his weight.

Modeling his heroic identity after the Roman gladiators, the Gold Gladiator serves as the leader of America’s first superhero team, the Secret Soldiers.  The other members of his amazing squad all have origins dating back to that fateful night in the wilds of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

Senator Day’s astonishment at his transmogrification was short lived as meteors, caught in the wake of the Danaians interstellar ship, fell to Earth, to the clearing where Senator Day and the others were gathered.  Day used his newly invulnerable form to shield his wife and the scientist with the Elixir.  A soldier standing nearby wasn’t so fortunate as a meteor…

GO TO Character #3!

01 – Lady G’Lipis & The Danaians

| November 3, 2011 | 7 Comments

A ship from beyond our solar system landed in a remote forest in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula at twilight on a warm spring evening in 1975.  Before the hatch doors opened, a small company of individuals, including a vacationing congressional senator and a handful of law enforcement and military personnel, had assembled before the remarkably featureless craft.  The release of the sealed portal was accompanied by an escape of a sweet smelling extraterrestrial atmosphere in the form of a violet cloud that engulfed those gathered, bringing about a fit of coughs, before dispersing and mixing with that of Earth.

Led by the Lady G’Lipis, a trio of slender, helmeted beings floated from the opened door of their ship to hover before the small group of de facto ambassadors of Earth.  Identifying them as Danaian first contact scouts representing the Pan-Universal Council, Lady G’Lipis welcomes Earth to the universe after their recent forays off their planet into the vast void.  The Lady presents Senator Trent Day, who has been speaking on behalf of the United States and Earth, with three gifts: a disk of common universal knowledge, a sphere containing a luminescent medicinal liquid simply called the Elixir, and a golden beacon with a single glass circle.  The beacon, she tells him, will let them know when the Danaians are returning with a group of ambassadors to fully bring Earth into the Pan-Universal fold, though that return would occur no sooner than the turn of Earth’s millennium due to interstellar travel time.

The trio of Danaians boarded their craft and silently left the planet, while the assembled audience looked on in awe.  This first contact with the Danaians was easily covered up by the government due to that night coinciding with the emergence of…

GO TO #2 – The Gold Gladiator

#3 “MURDERMAN” Max Cardiff

| November 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

Universe/Storyline: The Band

Universe details: In the isolated city of Crescent where these characters live, superpowers spring from close encounters with death. Only people born in the city can gain these powers, and since this is a relatively new settlement, the first generation of people born there are just starting to show signs of super-fication. This means mostly kids and teens. Of the teens, Camille, Max, Amelia, Walter, and Rin decide to team up and form a band. They take it upon themselves to help other kids who are just getting powers/dealing with death. Eventually, when The Band realizes that everyone deserves to be informed about the city’s unique predicament, they try to reach every kid in the city at once by putting on a live concert.

Height: 5’ 9”

Body Type: Big, but not fat. Awkwardly somewhere between boy and man. Tall.

Hair: A little longer than chin length, the ends in the back can be seen from the front. Straight, but with a slight flair out at the end. Bangs parted in the middle. Overall an unplanned/messy look that somehow comes off as elegant. Medium-dark brown in color.

Eyes: Brown

Race: White

Age: 16

Attire: Plain black suit jacket and matching pants. Jacket is always unbuttoned, showing the white collared shirt underneath. The collar of the shirt is always unbuttoned. The tails of the shirt are never completely tucked in. The shoes are orange Converse high tops. Sometimes wears silver aviator sunglasses with burnt orange/brown gradient highly tinted reflective lenses.

Superpowers: Metal Manipulation, Conscious and Subconscious (primary)- Max can manipulate metal right down to the molecule. His finely tuned powers let him separate the metal from other compounds and break down and rebuild any metal objects almost instantly. However, metal does not always follow Max’s conscious demand, and sometimes behaves on its own accord when he is in the vicinity. Aspects of THE RAD’s (see Weapons below) personality come from Max’s subconscious or suppressed desires.

Sound Manipulation, Conscious- Max can manipulate any sound wave’s volume, frequency, direction, etc. to such an extent that he can turn one sound into a completely different one. Altering his voice, creating sonic booms from a strum on THE RAD, and moving around in complete silence are just some of the possible uses.

Personality: Max is rebellious against any establishment, tradition, or formality. He cares mostly about himself first, but will fight to protect others if it is necessary. His arrogant manner and overconfidence in himself often get him into trouble. His favorite pastimes include disobeying orders, showing off, and acting rashly. Despite all this, he has developed a somewhat goofy and pathetic crush on Camille.

Hobbies: He has a somewhat unintentional collection of bottlecaps built up. He’s not sure what he’s going to do with them yet.

Weapon/Partner: THE RAD- An old-fashioned yield sign (upside down yellow triangle) that has been converted into a guitar. The sign portion is the body, and the rectangular metal post with small circles punched out every half inch or so serves as the neck. The six steel strings attach directly to the far end of the neck, in the style of other ‘headless’ guitars like the Steinberger. The strap is a length of chain, which links onto the last hole at the body end and a hole at the front end of the body. The backside of the sign is marked with graffiti reading “THE RAD”.

THE RAD is almost always at Max’s side, either strapped to his back or floating beside him. Max can also ‘ride’ or ‘surf’ on THE RAD in a fashion similar to a hover board. THE RAD has a personality like any other character, and can use his strings like hands to gesture or make various twanging noises to communicate. THE RAD usually obeys Max’s bidding when it’s given, but often behaves in a sensitive, passionate, or kind way without prompting.

Power source/backstory:

a.      Metal (manipulation on the molecular level, wide range, subconscious and at will)- murder under the mind-control influence of Control Freak

b.      Sound (manipulation/generation at will)- later, the murder weapon, which broke down into metal dust at the time of the murder, rematerializes during meditation (Camille prompts Max to focus on one sound in order to clear his mind and access his subconscious). Max grabs it instinctively.

Theme Song: Symphony of Destruction- Megadeth

#2 Barbara

| November 3, 2011 | 2 Comments

Barbara Web

Today, Barbara, a wild and mysterious girl. I actually like her better than the last character, let’s hope I can say that every day about the current last one.

Part of a larger project of 30 Pin-up Urban Subculture Girls.

Made using: Sketchbook, Mechanical Pencil, MyPaint, Gimp

I’ll be making a blog post on my “character generation process” if any of you are interested, it involves randomness, cryptic meanings and a passion for the sensual.



Day 3: Ammit

| November 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

Haha, these just get looser and sketchier as they go on. Anyway, I’m just really fond of the concept of a pretty woman turning out to be some kind of horrible (but non-malicious) monster– but not a standard ‘attractive’ one, like a succubus. Her monstrous form matches her monstrous personality, but that’s a design challenge for another day…

I MISSED A SPOT WHILE COLORING HER WHOOPS but I’m too lazy to fix it now.

#3: The Man Who Talks to Invisible People

| November 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

This one scanned weird...

Text reads:

“In the city there’s a man, and he watches people walk.

He sits atop the streetlamps and the bus stops where they talk.

He listens to the faceless, to the lonely and ignored,

the ones who sleep in shabby, hidden corners of the world.

Life is like a waking dream, and more so for the fact

that sometimes if he talks to them, they’ll even answer back.”

I do a lot of walking around the city and I see a handful of homeless people everyday, and I always ignore them. And then I start thinking about how terrible it must be to be in such a huge city with so many people and not be acknowledged by so many of them. But I still ignore them, and if there’s one thing I’m not proud of about myself it’s that I’m too scared to do that “be the change you wish to see in the world” thing. So I guess #3 is maybe some sort of expression of that confusion.

#3: The Patterned Beast

| November 3, 2011 | 7 Comments
patterned beast

The Patterned Beast

#3: Super Bunny

| November 3, 2011 | 2 Comments

This is my character Super Bunny. He was a regular bunny that got super powers. He can fly and he’s super strong, so he fights bad guys.

Thanks, Xavier

#3 – Professoraptor

| November 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

Just remember, if you answer wrong, you look awfully tasty!

Dinosaurs! Science! Yay!